Severe Storm Causes Major Damage in Golden Lake, North Dakota

GOLDEN LAKE, ND ( A look at some major storm damage around Golden Lake, North Dakota after thunderstorms rolled through the region Wednesday night.
go lay coat on a Thursday morning got some major storm damage after a storm rolled through about 7:30 Wednesday night this is the scene right up by the Golden Lake store along the docks here a couple of pontoons flipped over some strong winds to a roll these pontoons over some of the worst damage is up here on the north end of Golden Lake the roof ripped off this cabin you can see a tree uprooted here part of the roof propped up against another pine tree right behind the cabin here this is on the north end of Golden Lake and I talked with the National Weather Service in Grand Forks who says radar indicated 75 mile an hour straight-line winds here Mike Bruce Ted so were you here when this hit last night yes we were we were just about to have dinner all right what did you see any tornado or anything like we didn’t see tornado it came in from the southeast and it came on so fast we were watching that on radar but it was sort of a patchwork of many different types of weather and we didn’t expect it to be quite this icy a strong enough to uproot that big tree here a must had some pretty strong winds yes we had plan wood tree come down right there across the lake a couple pontoons were upside down over by the resort there was pontoons upside down was your place shaking pretty good it was shaking windows held all right yeah wasn’t coming in pretty stronger all right glad you’re okay yeah all right here’s some some more damage out on Golden Lake er up the north end of it from Golden Lake North Dakota I’m Neil Berg reporting for I knew was dot TV


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