HACKENSACK, MN (trfnews.i234.me) We have a report of multiple people attending an event at a park, who were hit by a vehicle in Hackensack, Minnesota. On this Sunday a dispatcher tells TRF News the case is being handled by the Cass County, Minnesota Sheriff’s Office and they won’t have any information on the incident until Monday.
Several pedestrians injured after being struck by vehicle in Hackensack, Minnesota on Saturday; No further updates until Monday.

Terrible.. Ever since the lockdowns we have had terrible drivers in Mn… Lockdowns created much injury and death… Walz is an accomplice to this; those praising Walz are very sick people.
Thanks Neil
Well no wonder my golf game sucks. It's the shutdowns fault!!
Background checks for cars. Comprehensive background checks. No more 7 seat cars. Just 2 seaters no more high capacity cars.
Was Trump driving?
Like most people who have probably watched this, I was there yesterday when this happened. I didn’t see anything except for the cops, the ambulance, and the helicopter taking off. But all I heard was an older man was trying to stop for people crossing the road. But instead of stepping on the brakes, he mistakenly stepped more on the gas pedal. Which caused him to hit multiple people. I heard that it was 4 people that got hit, I heard that 1 was a pregnant woman, I heard that 2 were unfortunately ran over, but it was not a hit and run. I hope that everything turns out okay for everyone involved in this situation.
1:02 when are people going to learn that an AED does NOT restart your heart, it actually stops it and then hopes your body will start it with a nomal rhythm.