Serious Crash Near Buxton, ND on I-29 Reported

BUXTON, ND ( We have a report of what sound like a very serious crash on Interstate-29 near Buxton, North Dakota on this Saturday afternoon.
breaking news out of the northern valley on this saturday afternoon we’ve had what sounds like a very serious crash out on interstate 29 this would be about two miles south of buxton here’s the emergency call at uh 12 12 p.m on this saturday reynolds fire please respond to a motivation i-29 southbound mile marker 121. a little vehicle um the front end smashed in airbags deployed he is stuck in the vehicle they cannot get him out he is unresponsive at this time again a report of what sounds like a serious crash on interstate 29 south of buxton uh we’ll have an update as soon as uh information is available regarding this crash i’m Neil Berg reporting for

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