Series of Cyber Attacks Causes Bemidji City Council Meeting to Shut Down on Monday Night

BEMIDJI, MN ( A wave of profanity shut down the Bemidji City Council meeting on this Monday evening. Their WebEx service, which allows residents to address the Council remotely was overtaken by people letting loose a stream of profanity. Mayor Prince says the remaining items on tonight’s agenda will be taken up a the next meeting as they figure out how to stop this from happening again.
some breaking news out of buiji
Minnesota on this uh Monday evening
they’ve just had to shut down their uh
city council meeting for the night after
it was uh we’ll say hacked into um the
meeting was interrupted with some
swearing profanity and a a line like hle
Hitler um just talked with the mayor
George prince who says they were made
aware of the uh by the league of cities
in Minnesota a couple weeks ago that
there have been disrupt like this at uh
meetings um but uh for now they’re going
to have to redo he says how they uh
handle their city meetings WebEx is a u
streaming form that lets uh residents
from around the community uh talk to
members during a live meeting and uh
we’ll play a little bit of the final uh
breakup of the council for tonight as uh
you’ll hear a bitter profanity and a h
Hitler the motion has been amended that
was offered by council member there all
in favor please signify by saying I I
I’ll oppos this meeting is continued H
Hitler again that H Hitler you heard was
someone addressing the council from a a
webc setup that lets the residents
address the council uh mayor Prince says
they’ll have to look at some changes
before the start of the next meeting I’m
Neil Berg reporting for I


  1. Store system went down and they couldnt sell me a coke , can we please stop wanting to instill our lives into a video game, it waste so much of my time with the inconveniences

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