Search for Bemidji Murder Suspect Continues on Tuesday Afternoon

LAPORTE, MN ( The latest on the search for a Bemidji murder suspect.
here’s the latest on that search for a bemidji murder suspect on the map here the murder happened sunday afternoon just northeast of bemidji and then on this uh tuesday morning the search went down to la laporte they were chasing a vehicle it sounded like there may have been a man and woman in the vehicle now i just talked with a laporte resident who says the school here up in the upper left hand corner was locked down this afternoon and there was a search right across the highway from this bar a home and in this uh wooded area it sounds like uh but no one has been caught yet now at 2 38 uh getting word of another car going uh 100 miles per hour plus north of laporte again almost hitting other vehicles and law enforcement on the way so we don’t know if that’s the suspect again or what’s going on but at this point the search continues for the bemidji murder suspect or suspects we’ll keep you updated i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. That same car flew by me going south on 200 doing around 100 mph. near Benedict. It looked like a small red Toyata or something similar. It disappeared meaning it ducked in somewhere south of Benedict.

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