Scrutiny over Bill Gates’ Purchase of Farmland in North Dakota

BISMARCK, ND ( North Dakota’s Attorney General is looking at a recent purchase of North Dakota farmland by Bill Gates.
sale of a couple thousand acres of prime north dakota farmland a group tied to bill gates has stirred some emotions over a 1932 law meant to protect family farms and raise questions about whether the billionaire shares the state’s values state attorney general drew wrigley has asked the trust that acquired the land to explain how it will satisfy the state’s anti-corporate farming law it prohibits all corporations or limited liability companies from owning or leasing farmland or ranch land with some exceptions wrigley says the inquiry is a matter of course and not meant to stick a finger in the eye bill gates the state’s agriculture commissioner doug goring says he’s heard from people who feel they are being exploited by the ultra rich


  1. Just because we are a rural state, we are not backward or uneducated, we live by our values and live by a moral compass! There are many in this world who do not, especially those who yearn for power and wealth to control others. Do not bend to the power seekers. Stand up for your community, your state and your country!!! 🇺🇸 Proud to be from North Dakota!!! Do not allow the greed of others or the misrepresentation of their intentions to destroy the fabric of our lives. It can be hard, it can difficult and overwhelming, but we have a state which no matter where you travel to or hang hat in North Dakota you call it home!!!

  2. Say this isn’t so???????
    Who would allow this????
    Gates is known as the human Monsanto by true environmentalists.
    Look at what is happening in the Netherlands as we speak!

  3. Interestingly you are not able to leave comments on Mr. Gates's Facebook page or his YouTube channel. I wonder why ? This guy is an absolute piece of s**. Hes buying up all the farmland in America meanwhile telling us to all eat synthetic meat . He's not the only one though. China owns at least a 100 million acres of our f***** farmland in this country. Folks we have some dark dark days ahead of us.

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