Scheduled Firearms March Set for Saturday in Bemidji

BEMIDJI, MN ( Organizers are planning a Saturday march through Bemidji, Minnesota with firearms.
* Check back Saturday for coverage from the scene.
we have what some are already calling a potentially very dangerous situation brewing in Bemidji Minnesota organizers are planning to march through town carrying firearms on Saturday in a Facebook post organizer Devin Pierce says in part quote those to whom have a valid permit to carry are welcomed and encouraged to show up bearing arms if you do so we have received four advice from law enforcement to have both your permit to carry and state ID on a clear land lanyard are somewhere readily accessible in case they want to spot check us it goes on to say we face the possibility of encountering of encountering counter protesters it’s absolutely imperative that we be the adults of the situation and stay completely civil unless we are absolutely forced to defend ourselves or others from physical violence unquote here’s part of Devin Pierce’s video Facebook message threats have been levied against the organizers by people within the city people in places of power this is exactly why we’re rallying to show support for our rights we’re not here to bully or belittle anybody we’re here to stand up and show that we are not afraid to flex our muscle a little to show what we have to defend ourselves from tyranny and corruption on a state a city a local city state and federal level next we need to stop the infighting we have a common opponent here government overreach infringement on our rights and city officials breaking their oath intentionally to bully the little guy that’s all pretty self-explanatory right there but that’s the whole reason this rally is being put on on the phone with me now is Devin Pierce I’ve already received some feedback from some folks saying what you’re planning could be potentially dangerous well to answer that directly what we’re shooting for is absolutely not intended to be dangerous we don’t want any breakouts of violence we don’t want it we don’t can go on anything like that and we won’t resort to that what we are doing is there’s no sugarcoating if this is a show of force this is a gathering of men and women who have had enough with the tyranny who have had enough with the government overreach and enough with the bureaucratic just being against We the People at this point has the city and/or police told you they’re not going to let you do this no no I spoken to Beltrami County Sheriff vital and he has expressly stated that as long as people who show up carrying arms have their permit to carry there shall be no problem there shall be no arrests made there won’t be any problems everybody is just going to be asked to you know that request you are legally required to show your permit to carry so please bring your permits to carry if you plan on carrying we do not want the organization or the event to look bad because you know let’s say we have 300 people show up at 100 and people get pulled off to the side and arrested for illegally carrying we don’t want that that’s not what we’re for now I’ve also reached out to the mayor and Chief of Police for comment on all this plus we’re scheduled to have coverage of Saturday’s March I’m Neil Berg reporting for I news TV


  1. Did he provide one specific instance or example of what he’s protesting? Seems like he wants to bring his toys out and play in the name of “government tyranny”. I’m a huge gun guy but I don’t need to walk down the street with my guns to get attention.

  2. @iNewZ TV – would you please post his FB or other contact info ? I have some questions. BTW – how did you find out about this, & where is he from? It looks like that vid. is being done from a motel room.

  3. This is ridiculous and during a time like this bringing guns out to a gathering whether you are left of right is not safe. It's intimidation. I'm a gun owner and carry because of wackos like this which are mostly men.

  4. Covid is spreading across America and in Bemidji people are in denial that it even exists. Wear a mask. Yes you can protest all you want. But you might not be as lucky as all the protesters from Minneapolis not getting sick. As a Beltrami resident I would ask for you to reconsider

  5. Dafuq is this jackass talking about. How has the city in anyway "infringed on his right"? Or even Minnesota for that matter? Go off and have your rally but dont sit there and lie to my face. This guy is an idiot, pure and simple.

  6. What time will it begin, and thank you Devin, for having courage, to put the fear of God, in those who wish to do us harm!! Heard Immunity on the rise!! COVID Mortality Rate is now below 1%

  7. All you people who are belittling this man , are the same people who supported all the degenerates tearing down our monuments and burning our cities. SO GO AHEAD POKE THE SLEEPING BEAR AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS !!

  8. Pierce…what a feminine hygiene product and the bag it came in. He looks rather nerdy as well. Rather like he needs to get laid or something. Adolescents with firearms. Scary and stupid.

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