Rush Limbaugh Reveals Diagnosis of Lung Cancer

WEST PALM BEACH, FL ( Rush Limbaugh announced on his show Monday that he has advanced lung cancer.
so I have to tell you something today that I wish I didn’t have to tell you and it’s it’s a struggle for me because I I had to inform my staff earlier today I can’t escape even though telling people are telling me it’s it’s not the way to look at it I can’t help but feel that I’m letting everybody down with this but the upshot is that I have been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer diagnosis confirmed by two medical institutions back on January 20th first realized something was wrong on my birthday weekend January 12th and I wish I didn’t have to tell you this and I thought about not telling anybody I thought about trying to do this without anybody knowing cuz I don’t like making things about me but there are going to be days that I’m not going to be able to be here because I’m undergoing treatment or I’m reacting to treatment and I know that that would inspire all kinds of curiosity with people wondering what’s going on and the worst thing that can happen is when there is something going on and you try to hide it and cover it up it’s eventually gonna leak and then people are gonna why didn’t you just say it why just did did why did you try to fool everybody and it’s not that I want to fool anybody it’s just that I don’t want to burden anybody with it and I haven’t wanted to but it is what it is you know me I’m the mayor of real ville

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