Roseau County Jail: Recent Inmates Facing Serious Charges – September 14 2024 Update

  • Roseau County Jail In Custody 09-14-2024 07:50





    Photo MNI Name Sex Age Booking # Intake Date Charges
    18549 Corneliusen, David Allen M 64 3061 08-29-2023 00:25
    F 1 COURTPENDING 609.19.1(1)
    Murder – 2nd Degree – With Intent-Not Premedi
    136285 Daigle, Michael Thmor M 43 3394 06-10-2024 23:31
    M 1 COURTPENDING 609.2242.1(1)
    Domestic Assault-Misdemeanor-Commits Act to C
    F 1 COURTPENDING 609.713.1
    Threats of Violence – Reckless Disregard Risk
    F 1 COURTPENDING 624.713.1(10)(i)
    Possess Ammo/Any Firearm – Previous Felony Co
    F 1 COURTPENDING 152.022.2(a)(1)
    Drugs – 2nd Degree – Possess 25 grams or more
    F 1 COURTPENDING 152.023.2(a)(4)
    Drugs – 3rd Degree – Poss. Sch 1 or 2 Narcoti
    112961 Grindahl, Ryan Tadd M 39 3444 07-16-2024 00:38
    F 1 COURTPENDING 609.223.1
    Assault-3rd Degree-Substantial Bodily Harm
    M 1 COURTPENDING 609.2242.1(2)
    Domestic Assault-Misdemeanor-Intentionally In
    M 1 COURTPENDING 609.2242.1(2)
    Domestic Assault-Misdemeanor-Intentionally In
    F 1 COURTPENDING 152.025.2(1)
    Drugs – 5th Degree – Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4
    150778 Hamilton, Danny Lee M 61 3518 09-13-2024 18:02
    F 1 COURTPENDING 609.343.1a
    Criminal Sexual Conduct 2nd Degree
    14489 Hill, Jennifer Faye F 39 3408 06-25-2024 12:41
    G 1 COURTPENDING 609.14
    Revocation of Stay
    153108 Hoang, David M 27 3502 08-26-2024 19:26
    A 1 COURTPENDING 588.20.2(4)
    Contempt of Court – Willful Disobedience to C
    143338 Januszewski, Tyler Jack M 28 3486 08-11-2024 15:09
    M 1 COURTPENDING 588.20.2(4)
    Contempt of Court – Willful Disobedience to C
    33478 Kilde, Alvern Rolland M 39 3484 08-09-2024 23:34
    F 1 COURTPENDING 609.14
    Revocation of stay
    26972 Larsen, Christopher Lee M 27 3506 09-04-2024 10:49
    M 1 COURTPENDING 609.14
    probation Violation
    41857 Meixner, Jesse Myron M 44 3392 06-10-2024 19:03
    F PROBATION VIOLATION 624.713.1(2)
    Possess Ammo/Any Firearm – Conviction or Adju
    F PROBATION VIOLATION 152.024.1(1)
    Drugs – 4th Degree – Sale – Schedule 1, 2, 3
    71656 Nichols, Alexander Sterling M 34 3520 09-14-2024 05:01
    A 1 COURTPENDING 609.2242.1(2)
    Domestic Assault-Misdemeanor-Intentionally In
    11471 Olson, Vladimere James M 26 3335 05-10-2024 16:07
    Disorderly Conduct
    A PROBATION VIOLATION 609.713.3(a)(1)
    Threats of Violence – Display/exhibit/brandis
    A PROBATION VIOLATION 609.2231.1(b)
    Assault – 4th Degree – Peace Officer – Physic
    37447 Tappe, Jason Clifford M 32 3351 05-20-2024 18:02
    F 1 COURTPENDING 609.378.1(a)(1)
    Neglect of a Child-Results Subst. Harm Physic
    122713 Wrolson, Caleb Eugene M 43 3013 07-15-2023 02:31
    M 1 COURTPENDING 629.75.2(b)
    Domestic Abuse No Contact Order – Violate No
    M 1 COURTPENDING 609.2242.2
    Domestic Assault-GM-Subsequent Violation
  • David Allen Corneliusen, 64:
    • Booking Date: 08-29-2023
    • Charge: 2nd Degree Murder (With Intent, Not Premeditated)
    • Status: Court Pending
  • Michael Thmor Daigle, 43:
    • Booking Date: 06-10-2024
    • Charges:
      • Domestic Assault (Misdemeanor)
      • Threats of Violence (Reckless Disregard Risk)
      • Possession of Ammo/Firearm (Previous Felony Conviction)
      • 2nd Degree Drug Possession (25 grams or more)
      • 3rd Degree Drug Possession (Schedule 1 or 2 Narcotics)
    • Status: Court Pending
  • Ryan Tadd Grindahl, 39:
    • Booking Date: 07-16-2024
    • Charges:
      • 3rd Degree Assault (Substantial Bodily Harm)
      • Domestic Assault (Misdemeanor – Intentional Injury)
      • 5th Degree Drug Possession (Schedule 1, 2, 3, 4)
    • Status: Court Pending
  • Danny Lee Hamilton, 61:
    • Booking Date: 09-13-2024
    • Charge: 2nd Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct
    • Status: Court Pending
  • Jennifer Faye Hill, 39:
    • Booking Date: 06-25-2024
    • Charge: Revocation of Stay
    • Status: Court Pending
  • David Hoang, 27:
    • Booking Date: 08-26-2024
    • Charge: Contempt of Court (Willful Disobedience)
    • Status: Court Pending
  • Tyler Jack Januszewski, 28:
    • Booking Date: 08-11-2024
    • Charge: Contempt of Court (Willful Disobedience)
    • Status: Court Pending
  • Alvern Rolland Kilde, 39:
    • Booking Date: 08-09-2024
    • Charge: Revocation of Stay
    • Status: Court Pending
  • Christopher Lee Larsen, 27:
    • Booking Date: 09-04-2024
    • Charge: Probation Violation
    • Status: Court Pending
  • Jesse Myron Meixner, 44:
    • Booking Date: 06-10-2024
    • Charges:
      • Probation Violation (Possession of Ammo/Firearm – Felony Conviction)
      • 4th Degree Drug Sale (Schedule 1, 2, 3)
    • Status: Court Pending
  • Alexander Sterling Nichols, 34:
    • Booking Date: 09-14-2024
    • Charge: Domestic Assault (Misdemeanor – Intentional Injury)
    • Status: Court Pending
  • Vladimere James Olson, 26:
    • Booking Date: 05-10-2024
    • Charges:
      • Probation Violation (Disorderly Conduct)
      • Probation Violation (Threats of Violence)
      • Probation Violation (4th Degree Assault – Peace Officer)
    • Status: Probation Violation
  • Jason Clifford Tappe, 32:
    • Booking Date: 05-20-2024
    • Charge: Neglect of a Child (Results in Substantial Harm)
    • Status: Court Pending
  • Caleb Eugene Wrolson, 43:
    • Booking Date: 07-15-2023
    • Charges:
      • Violation of Domestic Abuse No Contact Order
      • Domestic Assault (Subsequent Violation)
    • Status: Court Pending

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