Robbery and Assault Incident Reported in Northwestern Minnesota

ST. HILLAIRE, MN ( Authorities are searching for 4 suspects and 2 men are hospitalized following a robbery and assault this morning.
*Correction: St. Hillaire is 8 miles south of Thief River on Hwy 32, not 59.
hey everyone Neil Berg here with some breaking news out of st. alyre Minnesota seeing a lair is eight miles south of Thief River Falls on highway 59 it happened in this trailer back here at about nine o’clock this morning according to a neighbor four men came into the house two other males were living there and assaulted and robbed the two men who lived here at gunpoint both the individuals who lived here were taken to the hospital according to the neighbor here’s what Mya Nelson says happened so what happened what you see um my neighbor came running over here this morning and saying for someone to call 9-1-1 because someone had came into their house and my boyfriend called 9-1-1 and when I went over there the neighbor was sitting on the deck and he was covered in blood everywhere and he had said someone had came in there at gunpoint and had like a salt to them and then I just waited around make sure they were okay I was gonna take them in but okay and there were two guys in that trailer over there there’s two guys and both of you got beat up yes one was severely hurt and the other one was semi hurt okay did you hear any gunshots no no gunshots okay and that was your boyfriend he has a surveillance video of them it looks like they’re casing the trailer yes we have that on camera okay so I’m not gonna say names here but is it possible this revolves around drugs I’m not sure yeah okay all right but anyway the four guys took off in their vehicle yep and we have that on camera what kind of vehicle wasn’t looks like a white Equinox okay holder style we’ll have more details for you on all this as soon as they’re available in st. Hilaire Minnesota Neil Berg reporting for i-news TV

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