Rising Tide of Carjackings Grips Minneapolis

Carjacking Crisis In Minneapolis

MINNEAPOLIS, MN (trfnews.i234.me) Police are dealing with an ongoing carjacking crisis in Minneapolis. The good news is that 6 suspects have been arrested and charged this week. The bad news is that police are reporting 8 more carjackings within the past 48 hours.


  1. And yet you people in Minneapolis keep electing Democrat's and their failed policies. Are you stupid or just suicidal? I really don't care at this point, just asking for a friend.

  2. Today's car jacking problems will not end well. One day (write it down), there will be 3 or 4 dead kids laying in the street…..attempting to carjack the wrong person.
    Unless our ultra-progressive city councils today learn and then understand this….the blood will be on THEIR hands.
    Their sweet and wonderful methods of "mental health professionals" won't handle this mess. Tragedy awaits. It's not IF….it's WHEN ?

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