Retrospective: 40 Years After the Gordon Kahl Shootout in Medina

MEDINA, ND ( Thirty-seven years after the Gordon Kahl shootout in Medina, North Dakota that left 2 U.S. Marshals dead, Scott Faul, who was sentenced to life in prison for his part in the murders has filed for a release from prison.
a plea to be released from a federal prison in sandstone minnesota this month from scott fall 37 years ago on february 13 1983 he was a follower of gordon call a tax protester who wound up in a shootout just outside medina north dakota in which two federal marshals were shot to death kenneth muir and robert chesher kahl died in a shootout with law enforcement in arkansas six months later followers called son yori and scott fall each received life sentences for their connection to the murder of the us marshals this month scott fall now 67 years old who was serving his life sentence at the federal prison in sandstone minnesota northeast of saint cloud filed documents in north dakota federal court under the compassionate release program part of those documents read in part quote i’m 67 years old i have been incarcerated since february 14 1983 i have received very little medical treatment over all those years because little has been requested i do have trouble breathing at times i assume from a type of bronchitis importantly if you want to honestly consider this request i suppose i was supposed to have been released by operation of law in 2013. however dregs in the parole commission and in the records department of the uh bureau of prisons have unjustifiably and unlawfully extended my release date to 2023 when that date arrives those blessed scum will once again enlist some new lies whatever they feel the whim to need to deny the release date once again they will do that because they are part of the deep state swamp and have made promises of favoritism to their lucifer worshiping cohorts that has been documented in my legal pleadings and is undenied by the scum unquote so the same fiery speech against the government continues 37 years after two u.s marshals were killed and other officers were wounded in a shootout in medina north dakota that’s left scott falls spending the majority of his life in prison i’m neil carlson reporting for inews dot tv


  1. I’m sorry he should spend his natural life in jail and never get out what did he expect when he killed a cop I don’t have compassion for a murderer nobody else should either

  2. rense has the uncensored story. Was the sheriff fragged or friendly fired? the whole "they shot each other at the same time" is a laugh riot. especially when one wasn't even armed lol.

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