Residents Save Jamestown Police Chief from Attack

JAMESTOWN, ND ( The Police Chief in Jamestown, North Dakota was rescued by citizens Tuesday afternoon, after he a assaulted during a traffic stop.
this in from the jamestown north dakota police department on a post on their facebook page their police chief was attacked uh quote we want to say thank you to the number of citizens who came to the rescue of the chief this afternoon that was a tuesday afternoon he attempted to make a traffic stop on a reckless motorcycle driver and was assaulted after a short pursuit thanks for keeping him safe while other officers were responding normally we would ask the public to stay back after an incident like this but in this case your help was greatly appreciated uh by the way the chief was not seriously hurt minor bumps and cuts 42 year old jeremiah mahulka wound up being arrested and is being held in the sutsman county jail on a long list of charges including fleeing and resisting arrest more details when formal charges are filed likely later today on this wednesday i’m Neil Berg reporting for


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