Rescue Mission: Worker Trapped Underwater in Northern Minnesota Pipeline

Dramatic Rescue Of Pipeline Worker Submerged In Water In Northern Minnesota

HUBBARD COUNTY, MN ( We had a dramatic rescue this Saturday afternoon of a pipeline worker who was submerged in water. The victim was apparently in the cab of a piece of machinery that rolled into the water. Several rescue crews and a life flight helicopter were on the scene in Hubbard County, Minnesota.


  1. Just wait until your electric bill doubles, them triples, do some research, what was a barrel of oil cost 3 months ago to what it is this week? Only good thing is 25 years from now we will still have 🛢 in the ground .

  2. Nobody will show up if you're calling for help from the Biden Harris administration. There socialist hiding behind the word Democrat. They'd throw water on that guy.

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