Republicans from North Dakota and Minnesota Vote Against Gun Legislation Passed by U.S. House

WASHINGTON D.C. ( The U.S. House has passed a gun regulattion bill that’s destined to die in the Senate.
by a vote of 218 to 205 along party lines the u.s house has passed a bill that would raise the age uh for buying auto semi-automatic weapons to 21 and put a ban on high capacity magazines uh the bill stands little chance in the senate but a bipartisan committee is working on some possible legislative changes on tonight’s vote north dakota’s lone congressman republican kelly armstrong of north dakota voted no in minnesota the democrats uh voted yes ilian omar dean phillips angie craig betty mccollum uh all republican congressmen and women voted no tom emmer pete stauber and michelle fishbach i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. More liberal democrat theatrics so dem congressmen can claim they are "DOING SOMETHING" about gun crime. TOTAL B.S. The dems know they are going to get destroyed in the midterms so they are grasping at anything. Wait until the end of June when SCOTUS releases decisions on Dobbs and also the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association concealed carry case. The dems are going to go CRAZY trying to pass anything written on paper.

  2. I think they forgot about the 2nd Ammendment and that part " Shall Not Be Infringed ".
    I don't think these do gooders representing us are apart of "US " anymore. The mag capacity of "over 10 rounds " by the stroke of a pen would make criminals out of millions of Americans who have magazines with a greater capacity than that. And there are millions of them in the possession of law biding citizens.
    What's next….
    We all know…
    If you don't,
    #1 Gun registration
    #2 Gun confiscation
    In my opinion.

  3. republicans/confederates will do ANYTHING to keep their stockpiles of weapons of war for the day they can attack our government and or kill united states citizens.

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