Reports of Power Outages in Larimore, ND Following Severe Storm Damage

LARIMORE, ND ( A look at Saturday morning storm damage in Larimore, North Dakota. Reports of power outages around the Northern Valley. Weather Service says no reports of tornadoes.
Neil Berg out here in laramore north dakota at 6 00 a.m on a saturday i’ve got the day straightened out um this is where some of the highest winds hit early on this saturday morning national weather service says wind gusts up to 71 miles per hour here we’ll give you a quick tour around town see a tree knocked over here by the laramore museum and you can see a kind of branches and leaves scattered around town the big news out here in larimore on this saturday morning is they don’t have any power i’ve talked to the dispatcher out of grand forks who said they’re getting reports of power outages around the region with power lines down we’ll just take a quick drive around here uh weather service earlier said as i said uh top wind of 71 miles per hour here in larimore 62 miles per hour in grand forks and 1.13 inches of rain looks like quite a bit of rain here too hey any idea how much rain you got lots okay we’re going to show you uh it’s flooded street here construction was going on let’s talk to the guy there so i made a mess of this uh construction site they were working on the street here and we’ve got more branches and trees down out here uh grand forks dispatcher said again as i said reports of power outages all across the region some power lines down no reports of any uh big damage anywhere so far according to the weather service just talk with them again again more branches down all over town here in laramore and this is uh 25 miles west of grand forks made a quick pass through grand force didn’t see anything major uh some branches down that sort of thing out here here’s another tree tree down right up here they’re kind of a mess they’re working on paving the streets all over town here now they have uh streets full of water in the low places see this tree snapped off here and again message from crookston power outage and crookston and parted down there more branches down out here again this is larimore 25 miles uh west of uh grand forks where the weather service says winds hit 71 miles per hour here early on this saturday morning as uh storms blew through the northern valley in larimore i’m Neil Berg reporting for eye


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