Report on Early Sunday Morning Attempted Burglary at Bemidji Middle School

BEMIDJI, MN ( We have a report of police chasing suspects, following a burglary or attempted burglary at the Middle School in Bemidji early Sunday morning.
we had what sounds like a burglary or attempted burglary early sunday morning at the middle school in bemidji here’s some of that radio traffic just before uh 1am on this sunday on the ground one blue one only got one shoe possibly a fourth i saw three for sure run into the wood lines from the roof now as i said no details yet but it sounded like there was as many as four suspects who took off running who may have gained entry through to the school uh through a door in the roof um later radio traffic indicated it sound like at least one suspect was apprehended we’ll have more details if and when they’re available i’m Neil Berg reporting for

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