Report of Juvenile Stabbing in Crookston: Victim Found Lying in Street

CROOKSTON, MN ( We have a report of a juvenile who was found stabbed and lying in the street in Crookston, Minnesota this Friday morning.
Neil Berg here with some breaking news out of crookston on this friday morning we have a report of a stabbing now this is on ash street uh if you’re familiar with crookston just south of the old american legion club the call came in at 5 31 a.m on this friday paging crookston area ambulance to 412 south ash 412 south ash crookston there’s a male that’s been stabbed he’s in the middle of the street again a report of a person stabbed who was lying on the street out here on ash street in crookston we have crookston police polk county sheriff’s department and state patrol on the scene we haven’t been able to talk with law enforcement yet but later radio traffic it sounds like the victim is a juvenile male i’ve got a uh yeah we have 412 south as 412 south ash there’s a male in the middle of the street that’s been stabbed that sounds like in the stomach i’m just i’m gonna gather more info i got ambulance page 550 units sounds like it’s a 15 16 year old male 1 and radio traffic indicated the victim was holding a towel over the wound a knife wasn’t present at the scene again a report of a stabbing in kirksten early on this friday morning at 5 31 a.m authorities on the scene check back later for more details on this developing story i’m Neil Berg reporting for

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