AUGUST 2ND REPORT: Suspect, Eric Reinbold Charged With Murder In Stabbing Death Of Wife
OKLEE, MN ( Two charges of 2nd Degree Murder have been filed against Eric Reinbold of Oklee, Minnesota for allegedly stabbing to death his wife on July 9th, 2021. Reinbold remains at large and the subject of a major manhunt by local officials and U.S. Marshals.
Report Dated August 2nd: Suspect Eric Reinbold Charged with Murder in Wife’s Fatal Stabbing

They better deny bail!!!!
My heart breaks for those children.
THANK YOU NEIL for a more fuller report of what happened in this case .
Ok this dudes like 1000 miles away at least. He seems like the kinda guy to have a bug out vehicle and a plan. Might not be a good plan but hey he's avoided law enforcement for like a month now??
Imagine a young boy finding his mother on the ground with her throat slit. What a horrible human being
Could have been avoided if the creep would have stayed in jail!
With help from others, he no doubt has left the area as he could not survive without it. I hope he is found before hurting someone else.