Remembering the Anniversary of the Historic ND-MN Blizzard of 1966: March 1-3

FARGO, ND ( March marks the 53rd Anniversary of the Historic Blizzard of 1966 that claimed the lives of at least 15 people across North Dakota, Minnesota and South Dakota.
in an emergency situation at any time there are some very valuable people to have around and mr. PC Davidson is one of them the operator of the Fargo Moorhead ambulance service and particularly on weather like this this service becomes very acute and sometimes very strained let’s talk about the last few hours that you’ve had Dave how many runs have you had to make today I see today I think we’ve only had four since daybreak this morning we didn’t have any during the night last night but the night before we were busy all night you had a little tough luck with the weather this morning you had to get through with plows and police department help and everything else one run you tell us about that that’s right I can’t say enough good about the cooperation we get it seems that people are really concerned about when someone needs an ambulance some place and we had one run this morning where they required an ambulance right away a person who had been sick became sicker and we made it over there with the help of two police squad cars and a snowplow and it only took us about an hour to get the patient to the hospital good afternoon I’m Bruce Taylor and we’re going to present at this time all of the information news stories public service announcements and everything that we available on a storm and the weather conditions and the whole works at this time to start off with the North Dakota Highway Department reports severe storm conditions prevail over the state with the exception of the northwest corner through most of the remainder of the state travel is impossible because of zero visibility and left roads the department says absolutely no attempt should be made to travel in the storm area freezing rain is blamed for the partial collapse of the new North Side High School gym at Fargo but no injuries are reported police’ Dickenson where there are six foot drifts in the downtown area are issuing citations for unnecessary travel Governor William guides office said that heads of the departments of civil defense highways the National Guard and the Highway Patrol are keeping abreast of the situation now with more reports seers news director Larry Mills thanks Bruce we do have a number of reports this is a stressful report on the weather situation blizzard conditions throughout the area a number of people are reported missing in the storm three coaches from the for each high school basketball team Harnam washed James Barrett and Ellen Wilson Berger left Mandan last night and have not returned for left man we’ll be laughter the class a Southwestern basketball tournament games but have not been heard from since well Warren burger were left Jamestown yesterday has not been heard from in us to crawl ray Albright mister missus top Kia Museum have not been located and they were traveling from Glenn over the Newseum yesterday afternoon they’re asked to call the cook Myers in New Salem Stan Hetzler Monroe chase and Jay urban child who flew to Harvey last night in a small plane and who left Harvey for sterling by automobile last night have not been heard from school superintendent Julius Worley of Rockefeller South Dakota left mObridge last night with two teachers Dale Louis and Keith local bound for one fella and they were found this morning by a game warden traveling in a snowmobile mr. Gillman reportedly left for Mandan about noon following a truck but he has not been heard from since Bruce a Sula and railroad crew reportedly is stranded somewhere between wish ik and Park South Dakota human are urged to telephone Lee Soo Line station or their homes jacks are said to be in the Dickenson vicinity has not been heard from in South Dakota WC Campbell called his wife from a ranch two miles east of Spearfish and said he was on his way home to Whitewood at 8 o’clock this morning but has not been heard from since mr. and mrs. Evelyn Johnson of McCluskey left for class yesterday anyone knowing their whereabouts is asked to have them call mrs. Marvin Schick of Bismarck or Mrs Henry Johnson of you know adversity really brings out the good in people take the case of this marked psychiatrist brussels sachs fake he was out trudging through the snow clawed streets today at bismarck carrying medicine to sick children dr. Robert two-door a Bismarck pediatrician reportedly one of them was one of the few doctors who were able to make it to a Bismarck hospital and I was busy caring for patients so Santa Vic turned up to take the medicine and drugs to sick children walking through the snow door-to-door to tutor his patients in Bismarck delivering the medicine a stirring drama is being played out in a farmhouse near New England North Dakota mr. and mrs. Clara Strom are there at the home of Charles Olson awaiting the birth of the Strom’s child the Strom’s and Olson started out this morning for a New England and the hospital however the storm turned them back and they were stranded for a lot at a rural schoolhouse the schoolhouse had heat in the telephone and the storm sprite was relayed to the Dickinson office of the state highway department a snow plow with strong spotter riding inside started for the schoolhouse but was unable to reach it because of zero visibility this information was relayed back to the stranded people who then decided to head back for Olsen’s farmhouse they are there now after a trip of only a mile but during which they almost drove off the road in strahm’s words five or six times if the weather doesn’t clear up the baby will be delivered there by mrs. Olson will be receiving instructions over the telephone from the nurse at New England who will be relaying the instructions from a doctor

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