Reinbold Pleads “Not Guilty” and Rejects Plea Bargain

THIEF RIVER FALLS, MN ( Eric Reinbold has entered “Not Guilty” pleas to murdering his wife last July and his attorney tells TRF News, they’re not working on any plea bargain in the case.
a 45-year-old eric reinbold of oakley minnesota has entered not guilty pleas in connection to the stabbing death of his wife lacette on july 9 at their rural farmstead reinbold is charged with second-degree intentional murder and second-degree murder each of the charges carries a maximum sentence of 40 years in prison another scheduling hearing will be held november 2nd as the case moves closer to trial now i just talked with his attorney bruce rivers in minneapolis who says they are not working on a plea bargain in this case uh reinbold also still faces a charge in connection to a violation of a federal probation in connection to the case where he was in possession of explosives and or pipe bombs in the current murder case there are over 3 500 pages of documents uh reinbold remains in jail with bail set at 10 million dollars cash i’m Neil Berg reporting for

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