RECAP: Planter Freed from Red River Bridge at Climax, Minnesota

CLIMAX, MN ( Crews were able to remove a planter that got stuck in the middle of the Red River Bridge at Climax, Minnesota on Thursday. But, not before some apparent damage to the bridge and the farm implement.
we have an update regarding this planter that was stuck on the roadway in the bridge by climax minnesota a closer look at the situation from photos by an eye news viewer show the folded-up wings of it were too high and uh got stuck in the uh cross members on the top of the bridge our wrecker was there uh they were there two maybe three hours late uh thursday afternoon and finally got it out although i’m told it sounds like there could be some damage to the bridge the trail county uh highway department is expected to be taking a look at that today and some damage to that planter which they don’t give away again a planter stuck in the bridge here uh climax minnesota was being pulled by a pickup the driver was not injured and the planter is now free and the bridge is open i’m Neil Berg reporting for eye news dot tv


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