1. 50 feet.. that's like falling from a 5 story building..
    What the heck is an 81 year old man doing flying around in a powered paraglider anyway??.. old man must've flirted with death for many many years.. apparently one year too many!!!

  2. These aircraft are so fun but you have to be careful. They can fly without a motor running, but you have to really watch what you fly over, and choose wisely. Open fields or water are safer than flying over trees.

  3. 1) If that's my Rainbow, them saddens my heart at his passing.
    If gay pride, well…
    2)Falls 50 feet, shows the importance of seatbelts.
    3) Did the tree jump out infront of him ? I reckon that tree's been there for at least 20 yrs. It didn't hit him…
    4) Paramedics preformed life saving aid, but the patient died. ☆

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