Putin Warns of Possible Nuclear Conflict

RUSSIA (trfnews.i234.me) Putin threatened the west with nuclear war in a speech on Thursday.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to fulfill moscow’s goals in Ukraine and sternly warn the West against a deeper involvement in the fighting saying that it’s fraught with the risk of a global nuclear conflict Putin’s warning came in a state of the nation addressed Thursday of next month’s election he’s all but certain to win in an apparent reference to French president Emanuel macron’s statement earlier this week that Western ground troops deployment to Ukraine should not be ruled out in the future Putin said it would lead to tragic consequences speaking before an audience of lawmakers and officials Putin said that it could trigger a Russian response raising the threat of a nuclear conflict that’ll mean the destruction of our civilization


  1. If I was Mr putin. I would sick of the USA . They instigated this war for their own goals then they try to tell us Russia is the enemy. All Russia ever wanted was Ukraine stay neutral. But that didn't suit the USA. They were hell bent on destroying Russia.

  2. See? Dictators act like children. Western troops means he might lose the game so now he is threatening to flip over the chess board. A guy who is "trying to save Ukraine" wouldn't be covering it in mines and threatening to nuke it.

  3. Proxi vojna absolútny precedens.Sponzorovana vojna vo všetkých smeroch.Tolko zbraní koľko sa tam zničilo, časť s nich rozpredana.Taktika rovnaká boj na cudzom území Amerika by mala riešiť mexické hranice,bezdomovcov a hlavne zakázať drogy ako je Antefamin a podobné

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