Protestors Prompt Park Closures in Northwest Minnesota This Weekend

PLUMMER, MN ( More protestors arrested and some park closures in northwest Minnesota.
protesters are causing some disruptions to campsites in northwestern minnesota i just heard from red lake county sheriff mitch bernstein who says seven more protesters were arrested last night and here’s a photo sent in from an eye news viewer uh sheriff bernstein says the following parks are temporarily closed we’ve apparently had some problems with protesters at them this is hewitt park northeast of crookston also closed this weekend people’s park in plummer on the west side of the clearwater river and the oakley city park in oakley on the north side of the lost river so some parks close this weekend due to uh conflicts with protesters i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. Protestors continue to ignore our laws.

    Normally, it would be odd, for a group that seems to think they have all the answers to our society not to follow rules.

    They do prove they are htpocrites.

  2. warning, arrest, then mow or tow everything in the way. How come these protestors are not at there jobs? I wonder who is financing all this BS. and who is filling up their tanks with gas?

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