Protest in Bemidji Calls for Immediate Reopening of All Businesses

BEMIDJI, MN ( A protest in Bemidji, Minnesota on this Saturday for the government to stop the shutdown and open all businesses now.
you know girls in here in Bemidji Minnesota on a Saturday where protesters have gathered they walked Minnesota businesses open Minnesota governor walls has extended the business shutdown until May 18th except for some businesses deemed essential that can start curbside pickups and deliveries on Monday but everyone in this group says coronavirus are not it’s time to open all businesses what kind of business do you have a secondhand store because their store so you have lots of old clothing that a lot of people can buy therefore a much cheaper price and they put in Byrne also company many customers I’ve been doing it for 37 years I’m a single person I need the income from this business do you think this is fair when you see a thousand people go into Walmart were you a business owner no I worked for Chevron Corporation for 35 years that’s a big refinery in Los Angeles how can I retired I said I ain’t living here for retirement so okay I moved Bemidji that’s 27 years ago my wife was above engineer all right so you’re not you want to get the businesses open but what about won’t everybody get coronavirus and you know we’re very fortunate to live in Bemidji Minnesota as I say I live in LA 45 years and Bemidji Beltrami County for now that are still well Jamie County is a very safe place to live and I’m from Beverly Bell County until they carry me into the deep six level a few blocks away bill batchelder’s family has been operating Bemidji woolen mills for 100 years now producing coats shirts gloves and other items but after nearly 50 days of having a store shut down batchelder’s frustration has reached the boiling point so what about the argument if you open up to all the businesses now you’re gonna get another big wave of coronavirus well please show me where the wave has been anywhere in northern Minnesota we’ve been shut down for over almost 50 days now and there are no deaths there are no hospitalizations our medical community is on its knees because elective surgeries have been cut down and I am hearing horror stories from my friends working at Sanford and Bemidji they’ve been furloughed they’ve been laid off there’s no work it looks like a literal ghost town up there and we’re just begging for some direction it must be a little frustrating for you also as with business owners everywhere when they watch the Walmart in their town are the targets and watch a few thousand people a day go in and out of there absolutely you know for the first couple weeks we followed the sciences there are no sciences with this covet 19 when our governor in our city yesterday a thousand people at Walmart a thousand people at Target a thousand people at Menards the city liquor store packed people buying candy booze and cigarettes and they’re buying Barbu KU q grills and fire pits and toys and candy they’re packed in their elbows to it has nothing to do with the sciences if we want to keep people safe you go out and you buy the emergency essentials and get home and sequester at home I’m a big public safety guy we need to protect the people in this town but this is the biggest joke that’s ever been played in not only in Bemidji but in the state and in the nation so coronavirus are no coronavirus today the protests are to get their businesses back in the game as one of the largest economic engines of this region tourism hopes to kick off another summer season soon from Bemidji I’m Neil Berg reporting for I news TV


  1. While we are companionate community members who understand the stress , uncertainty , and angst of fellow small business owners we also are not fools . We trust in the use of scientific modeling to help in making difficult decisions. We believe we should value EACH life and THUS especially stand with our medical providers and essential workers . We think the banging of the political drum is hurtful when many nations are able to rise about that in their decision making , and pitifully we are not . We ask that protestors do the ethical thing if they feel so strongly that their freedoms are being impinged upon . Sign the release …

  2. I see the same at Wal-Mart, Menards, etc… packed parking lots, minimum social distancing, very few wearing the recommended dust masks… calling it a joke is a understatement.

    Many small businesses really are taking the brunt of this "joke" and unfortunantly many will close doors for good while the big cooperations rake in the Lion's share of the "stimulus monies"

  3. I wonder if Bill looking inside windows at the big box stores in order to see what people are buying? Or is he just making stuff up? Wait…they don’t have windows…so how would he know? He seems to know what everyone is doing when they go to big box stores. I spend money every year at the businesses represented in this fake news (nothing but leading questions from the fake journalist). Siegert was smart enough NOT to be in this propaganda reel but his cards are clearly on the table as well. “People are saying…”. Perhaps the reason we have no deaths and so few cases has to do with science and our governor’s approach.

  4. It amazes me the stupidity of people who think that an pandemic is a partisan issue. It kills pretty much anybody who is human it doesn't care if it's a Republican or a Democrat.

  5. It's also interesting that as some of us DO have essential jobs, that on my way home from mine I notice some of the people who bitch the most who are not likely considered "essential," are open to the public. Next time someone takes a knee, they better respect it.

  6. I don't even wanna look at this video cause it just makes me feel so disappointed in my town they aren't doing this to hurt you they're trying to protect you and everyone around you if we reopen to quickly people around you will die there is no avoiding that and if you are struggling to make ends meet demand subsidies from the government that's what they're supposed to do take care of the citizens but no you just want everyone to die because I don't know you want to get noticed for how special you are such a disappointment

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