1. The only difference between camping and a homeless camp. Is one happens in town. Why not set up tents way back in the woods on state land. Or for the red lakers, set up in red lake nation.

  2. I agree that there needs to be more low income housing for everyone. There shouldnt be homeless people in the US. However, there are a lot of people who are homeless because they CHOOSE to be! A lot of people are homeless because of drugs/alcohol, and mental health. Some are homeless because living in a tent, car, camper is cheaper than rent, utilities, insurance, etc because they are so expensive! Then there are people who get all the gov't benifits that DONT need the help that takes away from those who DO! Protesting doesnt solve anything.

  3. I just don't understand it how we have all these freaking losers all these people that just out there not contributing to society in their own country. Complaining about things that we're doing in other countries, for example Israel and free Palestine and all this crap. All the freaking protest on campuses and stuff and be like well. If these kids are so into protesting how about we just take away their tuitions and stuff but what I don't see is not a single one of these left hand people or f**** protesters or any of them. People are sitting there protesting about what's going on in our own country like the homeless situation or how our f**** veterans don't get treated good when they come back. None of that crap. Ly jump on the f**** way and just because other people are doing it. Complaining about other f**** things in other countries when we have issues here in the Homeland but these f**** idiots don't see that. All I care about is their stupid f**** feelings and about their confusion on whether they could decide whether they're boy or girl

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