Prosecutors Voice Opinions on Burnsville Shooting Case

MINNEAPOLIS, MN ( The woman charged with providing the guns to the Burnsville shooter is pleading not guily. Prosecutors speak out.
a Burnsville woman accused of making straw purchases of weapons used in the deadly shooting of three Burnsville First Responders is bading not guilty to 11 charges 35-year-old Ashley deard doll allegedly purchased two AR-15 weapons used in the February 18th shooting just weeks before the Ambush BCA superintendent Drew Evans Ashley dearle knew Shannon gooded was prohibited from possessing these Firearms she even wrote a letter trying to help him restore his Firearms rights and when Shannon Gooden couldn’t get guns through legal means Ashley deard doll assisted him to get the guns through her illegal actions and Evans adds dear doll didn’t shoot anybody make no mistake that is Shannon Gooden who did that in this incident but Ashley deard doll handed him the guns and for this she must be held accountable deard doll the girlfriend of Shannon Gooden is accused of illegally purchasing a total of five Firearms according to us attorney Andrew Luger Ashley deard doll didn’t shoot anybody make m stake that is Shannon Gooden who did that in this incident but Ashley deard doll handed him the guns and for this she must be held accountable and now here’s us attorney Andrew Luger as this indictment makes clear deer doll’s legal buying spree for Gooden demonstrates a reprehensible disregard for Public Safety and the law and the consequences of this disregard for Public Safety are beyond comprehension


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