PRESS BRIEFING: West Fargo Fire Successfully Extinguished

WEST FARGO, ND ( A major fire at a West Fargo, North Dakota oil farm tank is out, according to officials.
all right the fire at Magellan has been put out there was a small hot spot area that came back up fire crews again were able to extinguish that so at this time there is no active flame occurring at at the site for everybody’s information there was approximately 400,000 gallons of water that was used along with 500 gallons of foam to get us to this point where we’re at now there is no more need for anyone to shelter in place any issues with any residual smoke should be dissipated with the wind and the weather that’s happening today we would ask that people when they go outside they may notice that there could be some soot either on the vehicle and their home or in the snow if you have children or pets just have them avoid that area as time moves on we get more snow today and more rain that that those items will dissipate there’s a an area of concern again to to go ahead make a phone call we’re trying to provide some assistance but there should not be an immediate cause for any concerns as far as that goes thanks to the West Fargo Fire Department obviously the Fargo Fire Department Burlington Northern Santa Fe Hector and the guard for supplying foam and personnel there was a minimum of 35 firefighters on scene rotating in and out of weather conditions are not ideal to be outside today did a phenomenal job at this point we are going to working on reopening Main Avenue from normal traffic routes again the activities that were counseled will earlier today are still canceled again that was the air on the side of caution cases became a long-term event right now transitioning phase for the next hour monitoring for any future possible hotspots once that time frame was done a little move into a hazmat cleanup scene so crews will still be on scene for a while again we still asked people to stay out there and don’t stop I mean having to take any pictures stay out front road that’s closed for first responders only you

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