President Ronald Reagan Discusses the Topic of Abortion in the 1970s

WASHINGTON D.C. ( An audio clip from former President Ronald Reagan on the topic of abortion in the 1970’s.
my answer as to what kind of abortion bill i could sign was one that recognized that an abortion is the taking of a human life i concluded that there were two instances in which it was justified the judeo-christian tradition recognizes the right to take a life in defense of our own therefore an abortion is justified when done in self-defense a woman has the right i believe to protect her own life if it is endangered even against her unborn child i believe also that just as she has the right to defend herself against rape she should not be made to bear a child resulting from that violation of her person in such cases abortion is again an act of self-defense not everyone agrees with this view but i can find no evidence whatever that a fetus is not a living human being with human rights this is ronald reagan thanks for listening


  1. What would a personally autonomous woman who is capable of using her own brain to make her own choices care what St. Ronnie of RayGun said umpteen years ago? He was senile while in office in case anyone isn't old enough to remember that era. He was a man and irrelevant to the topic of abortion. He didn't have a uterus and couldn't get pregnant.

    On SCOTUS it is currently five living men and one woman who wiped out fifty years of equal rights progress and legislation. Within my lifetime women and children were once legal chattel property of the men in their lives. We mostly made enough progress to get out of that…, and now those six SCOTUS justices have put women right back into that situation. Those justices deserve to be impeached for lying to Congress at their Senate hearings before the full Senate voted to make them justices (and at least two of the men had questionable pasts involving actions against women that should have disqualified them from being considered in the first place).

    This is a very surreal time for educated and intelligent women who don't know if this is a sick experiment at setting up a world based on Gilead in "The Handmaid's Tale," or the ugly reality of Lebensborn institutions.

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