President Rebukes MAGA Senators, Including North Dakota’s Cramer and Hoeven

President Gives MAGA Senators Like North Dakota's, Cramer & Hoeven An Earful

WASHINGTON D.C. ( President Biden spoke today about MAGA Republicans like North Dakota Senators Cramer’s and Hoeven’s opposition to border security legislation. Both of North Dakota’s Senators say they oppose current legislation, but neither of them has produced any legislation regarding border security.


  1. why is only 20% of it the border? 60 billion is going to Ukraine and 20 billion to isreal, thats why they are not going to pass it. thats the truth despite what the media will try to spin look it up yourself.

  2. Listen Americans, listen to at least an hour of any of Trumps speeches, his intelligence is limited. He wants to run this Country like a Business. America Doesn’t Work for the President, HE WORKS FOR AMERICA. Not just the people who agree with Trump, everyone Mr. TRUMP, you are not a king or a supreme Leader. Countries are already mad at him , Our freakin ALLIES!! Be very Afraid America 🇺🇸. If he Runs us like his company’s we are Screwed. Google how many of his Businesses have gone belly up. And he wants to RULE OVER YOU. Be VERY AFRAID AMERICA, HE WILL RUIN OUR COUNTRY LIKE ITS HIS! 🫡🇺🇸😎

  3. Get em, Biden!

    * Fantastic Covid Response
    * The American Rescue Plan 
    * Infrastructure bill
    * Microchip bill
    * Biggest climate bill in us history, plus a minimum tax on corporations,  Medicare drug price reform, etc
    * Fantastic early response to Russian invasion, gave Ukraine a headstart
    * 1 supreme court Judge, and a big judicial overhaul
    * Appears to be on track to avoid a recession
    * Ending a 20 year war

    Nothing has been perfect, but the effort is there and it seems like a lot of savvy moves to improve the country instead of just donors.

    Can't wait to see what you do during your second term!

  4. No one gives a flip what this person says. You’re only showing us what mindless pawns you are with this type of headline. It’s really sad.

  5. You're a scumbag the only reason you opened up the southern border was to get back at Donald Trump supporters I know all these freaking scumbag migrants are in our country and they're committing crimes left and right

  6. Fixing the immigration system isnt what we need, what we need is mass deportations 🤦‍♂️ how this idiot became president is beyond me. Impeach this fool.

  7. Just enforce the laws that are already on the books. It's not rocket science. Or better yet, Executive Order. You know, that thing that you did that got us here in the first place? SMH

  8. This is the act of a dictator .
    Republicans dont have to put out a solution , When theres LAWS ALREADY ON THE BOOKS TO DEAL WITH THE PROBLEM .
    Biden had the power to close the border all the time , he just didnt want to.

  9. How dumb do you have to be to believe that we have to send billions of dollars to other countries to secure the US border? Do politicians not care for inflation? Do politicians care for securing the border without a quid pro quo?

  10. Republicans don’t want to ever fix anything, too busy worrying about Trump. They refused to fix the problem, sorry can’t complain about Biden when GOP refused to pass it.

  11. What a waste of time showing this blubbering senile moron reading Obama’s words. He wrecked the border and now wants to get re-elected so he can let more scum in to vote democrat like the rest of the America hating trash.

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