Preparing for Reopening: Main Street Minnesota Gears Up After COVID-19

CROOKSTON, MN ( Businesses on main street Minnesota are getting ready to reopen Monday, after Governor Walz announced a relaxed COVID-19 policy.
retail stores and other Main Street businesses in Minnesota can reopen on Monday if they have a social distancing plan and operate at 50% occupancy Governor Tim Walz said last night as he announced he’s letting his stay at home order expire the governor said small businesses are critical to Minnesota’s social and economic fabric I recognize how hard this pandemic has fallen on them and I hope this action charts a safe and prosperous path forward wall says family and friend gatherings of 10 people or less can resume and his administration is preparing guidance on how to safely reopen bars restaurants barbershops salons and fitness centers beginning on June 1st this will coincide with a significant increase in testing tracing and isolating the virus in the state but while stresses that to avoid an overwhelming peak in kovat 19 Minnesotans must double down on efforts at social distancing wear masks went out shopping and continued to work from home if they can now for information about which businesses are allowed to reopen you can go to MN gov slash deed slash safe work the official website also has templates for business safety plans guidelines on 50% occupancy for retail and worker safety guidelines

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