Potential $90,000 Resolution for Duluth Defendant

DULUTH, MN (trfnews.i234.me) A Duluth suspect could be getting a $90,000 settlement in connection with his arrest.
at the duth city council approves the settlement today a man who was dragged handcuffed by the Skywalk or through the Skywalk by duth police officer in 2017 will received $90,000 from the city Brandon Hy was arrested for trespassing and body camera footage shows him dropped to the ground and tell others he wasn’t going to make it easy for them officer Adam hwit was then dragged to about 100 ft by the Handcuff chain and through a double door where where Julie’s head hit the metal frame a Who claims uh juli suffered a traumatic brain injury and damage to his wrist officer huitt was briefly dismissed but the police Union won an appeal and he has been back on the force since 2020


  1. The police investigated themselves and determined they were all good.
    But lost 90K anyway.
    I suspect 90 K isn't even close to enough for the things we see Jack boot thugs do to people daily around the country.

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