Post Office Funding Cuts: A Threat to Democracy?

GRAND FORKS, ND ( President Trump says he’s blocking funding for the U.S. Post Office and it’s causing delays in delivery. less than 3-months before a possible mail-in election. Some say it’s causing a crisis for our democracy.
Neil Berg here at the post office in grand forks uh president trump by his own admission says he’s blocking funds to the u.s postal service and that’s causing a delay of mail deliveries across the country now this is happening two and a half months before the election some say it’s causing a uh crisis to our democracy the u.s postal service was started by founding father benjamin franklin as a service to our country not a revenue generating business since then it has delivered billions of our letters packages checks and even medicines but now a lack of money is slowing mail deliveries and president trump says he’s blocking postal funds to stop mail-in voter fraud they don’t have the money to do the universal mail-in votes it’ll be the greatest rigged election in history it’ll be the greatest fraud ever perpetrated other than perhaps what they did to my campaign where they spied on my campaign now while trump keeps talking about voter fraud there are numerous studies and reports showing voter fraud is a rarity whether it’s in person at the ballot box or mail-in voting i talked with grand forks postmaster travis larson for comment on what’s happening here we were referred to a post office spokesperson in denver we’ll have that for you later today if we get it meanwhile senator amy klobuchar of minnesota along with other senators have sent a letter to the u.s postmaster general lewis de joy asking him to provide answers regarding reports of recent changes that would increase delivery times and costs for election mail dejoy was recently appointed to that job and as a major trump donor and ally we’ve also reached out to north dakota senators hoven and kramer for comment on all this we’ll have their response also later today or no response in the meantime if you’d like to make your voice heard to the people with the power to make changes here are the phone numbers of minnesota and north dakota senators you can reach north dakota senator john hoeven’s office at 202-224-2551 uh senator kevin kramer is 202-224-2043 minnesota senator amy klobuchar is at 202-224-3244 and as minnesota senator tina smith is at 202-224-5641 i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. As someone who has health issues it would not be safe for me to go to a polling station to vote. We have been talking about mail in votes for months so my question for our president is why has he done nothing to prepare for it? Instead of standing at a podium talking about all the things that could go wrong, why hasn't he put a team together to make sure it goes well? I want to know why nobody has asked him that.

  2. The USPS is $160.9 BILLION in debt from what it owes in retiree benefits, see the Washington Post article from 4-15-20. The USPS lost $8.8 BILLION in fiscal year 2019 alone, the 13th consecutive year of losing money.
    Jeff Bezos, a billionaire and owner of Amazon (and the Washington Post), uses the USPS to deliver packages at low rates.

  3. You need to really learn how to do some better research. Over 250,000 ballots go missing every year. Go gaslight someone else with your spin and learn the facts for your viewers.

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