Polk County Woman’s Frightening Drive

POLK COUNTY, MN (trfnews.i234.me) It was a terrifying drive for a Polk County, Minnesota woman Thursday night, as she was approached by an unknown man.
Neil Berg here on the phone with me is leah bralt who lives in rural east grand forks you had a scary uh experience thursday night to just explain what happened i guess oh i was so terrified uh going north out of east grand forks on highway 220 where the speed limit changes from 45 to 60 miles an hour it was very very black out on thursday night and there was no one on the highway all of a sudden a pickup truck came up behind me very very fast so i turned my cruise control off and started to accelerate a little bit the pickup got up next to me and remained next to me for quite a few seconds i glanced over once but it was dark out so i couldn’t watch and uh i thought maybe he was cussing at me or had road rage or something he got his motor and got about a half a mile ahead of me and all of a sudden he whipped his pickup over to the shoulder of the road uh threw it in the park jumped out of the pickup and laid down in the middle of the lane i hit my brakes i almost ran him over and i was almost to a complete stop when he jumped up and started running toward my truck again so i gunned the motor and went around him in the other lane and uh that was about a mile and a half before the santa lair turn off about uh three quarters of a mile after the stainless turn-off and the s-curves by the bethany church he came back up behind me i swear he was doing over 100 miles an hour he was hauling a car trailer on the back of his pickup and he got up next to me and started moving over before he was completely past me so i again hit my brakes and he got very far ahead of me and uh i kept going slow i think i was doing maybe 15 miles an hour because i didn’t want to get close to him all of a sudden he stopped in the very center of the highway this time so i stopped my vehicle there were no cars coming or going and uh he was waiting and we were between crossroads i didn’t know what to do and i he i was getting to the point of hysteria and thank god a systems truck came toward us from the north and he turned off onto uh county gravel road 110th avenue northwest went down about an eighth of a mile and shut his pickup and his lights off um at that time i crept up to that crossroads so i could read the street signs to see what road it was and i called 911 and from there i was transferred to the county sheriff’s office who transferred me to minnesota state highway patrol who transferred me back to the polk county sheriff’s office okay but you you’ve now talked to them follow the report i i did file a report and uh i want to thank sheriff cadman and deputy lee because uh lee takes because i they they ease my mind a little bit i’m still very very shaken up by this ordeal and i’m afraid for the women in this county um it had it been somebody’s grandmother a teenage daughter uh had it been anyone else had they stopped i’m wondering what would have happened i am quite sure this person’s intention was to load my vehicle up on that car trailer and leave me laying in a ditch and uh you know it was a very terrifying night that i have not slept yet okay well we’ll keep track of this with the sheriff’s department and see if we can find out anything yes yes i just hope that uh i want everyone to be safe and if you’re driving at night uh do not stop for anyone unless it’s the police i’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me


  1. If someone intentionally runs out & lays down in the road to try & stop you, IMO, one should give them an injury to send them to a hospital to get the attention they need. This would also be a good way to identify them, & stop them from getting further victims, at least for a while.

  2. Would you please do a follow up with this woman and/or L.E. to put out a description of the man, truck & trailer? Thanks. [p.s. – it's probably not a good idea to have her name & location posted here – she's a witness, & who knows what this guy will do next – ]

  3. Too bad you couldn’t of injured him without hurting him too much so one could of found out who this was and I’m with others saying they shouldn’t use your name what if now he looks you up and finds where you live that’s not smart to me but more than likely your just one of his targets he has probably just moved on to his next victim or whoever he can target I suppose god bless and glad you’re alright one gets shook up and takes a while to get past that at least for me it does

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