Political Signs Spark Controversy in Northern Minnesota

BAUDETTE, MN (trfnews.i234.me) There’s a controversy over political signs in Northern Minnesota. The Lake of the Woods County Sheriff is refusing to enforce a city ordinance in Baudette that requires residents to take them down, after the election.
we have a lingering political controversy in far northern minnesota lake of the woods county sheriff gary fish has refused to issue citations for political sign violations this in from our news partner the northern light region newspaper november 13th has come and gone and now january 20th has come and gone both were dates that political signs banners and other material were required to come down in the city of baudette the first date comes from the original text from the city’s ordinance which required such material to be down 10 days after the general election as many as 28 properties were identified by the zoning administrator tom eaton as being in violation after receiving official complaints by city residents the issue came up for discussion at the regular january meeting at which time the council decided to give the residents until january 20th to take them down our face fines at monday evening’s city council meeting eaton reported that he has now identified five properties that are still in violation and he delivered the necessary paperwork to sheriff gary fish to issue citations to the property owners it’s an enforcement issue now eaton told the council but added the sheriff has refused to issue citations eaton said that fish’s opinion is that the ordinance is in unconstitutional and in violation of free speech he also said that the city attorney steve anderson reached out to fish to ask what authority the sheriff has to make such a determination but i think we’re at a standstill right now instead well we need to take care of this council member steve johnson said it’s a larger question of law enforcement now are they supposed to enforce all of our ordinances are just the ones they agree with eaton said if they can pick and choose why do we have ordinances johnson asked the council decided they wanted anderson and fish to appear at the next council work session to discuss to resolve the issue uh mayor rick roney agreed to ask them both to attend no names of any persons being in violation of the ordinance were shared at the meeting but a drive through town made them easy to spot and it was noted that as of tuesday mayor rony still had uh just was still displaying a flag for the donald trump 2020 campaign at his home in east baudette eaton did confirm to the northern light region newspaper that any material including flags and banners that endorsed a candidate such as trump 2020 or biden 2020 would be included with the material that should have been removed by the november 13th and or january 20th dates i’m Neil Berg reporting for eye news dot tv


  1. Minnesota has crime…look at whats been going on there all spring, summer, fall and winter. its their property, they have a right to put up whatever they want….ur cops need to serve the people not crybaby over signs.

  2. So glad I escaped MN. Local bureaucrats are too emboldened when they have to sit and ponder why they even have ordinances when the sheriff won’t enforce their unconstitutional ordinances. Here’s an idea, you don’t need ordinances for things that are so trivial! Either a case of complacency or stupidity, or both on the part of the board member that was interviewed.

  3. Sorry but I will put a sign in my yard whenever I want ..it's my property..kiss my ass if you don't like it…ps..don't paint your house a color I don't like..or I might put a sign in my yard about your disgusting house color…

  4. WTF is The Beef, Here? = Sniveling………. Advertising is a Sign, Street Names & House numbers is signs. Offensive is an opinion sadly so as well. Political sings are either show support or neglect. & people those signs made of plastic make good low profile "Creepers" Under vehicles & Buildings, is that Illegal also?. if You take the Signs Down then Its either garbage Polluting The earth in landfills or in the way in storage. = Its Whiney F'n People gotta make a stink over minor things wasting energy . Its Freedom of Speach & Dont complain Dumb-ASS people, Unless Its foul language or racist or an evil incantation.

  5. Biden flag says something about Experience! You mean after 47 years of doing absolutely nothing what the f does he have to show America except his family getting rich off his political influences

  6. What a bunch of overprivileged and entitled pricks. How many times do these kind of people need to be arrested before they realize they're not above the law. Freedom of speech is not absolute, there are limitations and it is done to create a more peaceful society. These Trumpers are intent on destroying our country. They should be kicked out.

  7. Must not be much going on in northern MN. Just small town minds trying to control people’s lives. They must remove any football flags in there yard since football is over or it’s discrimination! Got to love the mental midgets of rural America!

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