Police Officer Stops ATV Chase Using Patrol Car on Sunday Morning

CROOKSTON, MN (trfnews.i234.me) A Crookston, Minnesota officer ended the pursuit of a 4-wheeler with his squad vehicle late Sunday morning.
we had a wild Chase in KRON late on this Sunday morning uh crookton police and deput is apparently chasing a juvenile male on a four-wheeler it’s getting messages that the chase was running from back here uh behind the holiday station all the way up to Taco John’s uh but it ended here uh behind Captain Crooks bar at about 11:45 a.m. with a kooken squad mod car pinning the four-wheeler against the uh building ping Crooks an ambulance officers requesting ambulance to Captain Crooks parking lot officers requesting ambulance to Captain kook’s parking lot now as you heard there an ambulance called but I uh talked with someone who I believe is a family member who says the uh juvenile male wasn’t hurt uh no further details and this VA involves a juvenile we’ll have more info if and when we get it I’m Neil Berg reporting for iw. TV


  1. Seems a lot of excessive use of force there. Unless the juvenile is wanted for Murder or something like that. Otherwise, it seems way beyond the force needed to figure out who the rider was.

  2. Chasing kid's on four wheels now just wow, Crookston police just wanna induce fear into you nothing but a bunch of tyrant thugs, What kind of thought process is that, lets chase a kid on a four wheel making it 10 times worse putting people's lives in danger cause of their ego, They got nothing better to do but Waste taxpayers money we don't need these many police officers in town, You'll catch a lot of then just sitting in there vehicles with their lights off doing nothing, They used to all hang out at amprid at night tell something was said, Should be sued over that mess though, I bet they feel like they really did something here and the sheriff's probably laugh at then cause there a bunch of fools.

  3. What was the infraction that resulted in such harsh consequences?!! Juvenile or not this is completely excessiveā€¦ cops must really be extremely bored out there in the boondocks at 11am to Ram a young kid on a 4wheeleršŸ¤£ā€¦ looks like they chased him thru open woods fields and a back roadā€¦ who was endanger? Besides himself , lmfao I canā€™t with that hillbilly state ā€¦ looks like the only person who was endanger was the rider by proof of police video and pictures šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø police brutality at its finest good job this is why kids develop disrespect for authority & turn to things much worse then riding a 4wheeler doing what kids should do

  4. If you break the law and refuse to stop, you get what you ask for. There are places designated for enjoying ATVs, the public roadways is not it! I'm glad the cops took him out like that, let it serve as a lesson. Accountability has got to be implemented, in every aspect!!

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