POLICE FOOTAGE RELEASED: Fargo Officers Detail Man’s Arrest

FARGO, ND (trfnews.i234.me) Fargo Police have released a video explaining the arrest of a man who looks bruised up.
good evening jessica schindeldecker with fargo police department earlier this afternoon a local media outlet published a story regarding an incident that occurred yesterday and we’re looking to clear up some misinformation that is in that article or behind the incident I’m here with Jeff H defroster owner of the field services division and we’re going to go over the squad car footage and kind of talk about some of the information that’s in the reports and explain a little bit about what happened and why it happened on July 15th officers encountered an individual by the name of Abraham Nye in the area of 9th Avenue and 42nd Street the reason for our contact with mr. Anaya was he committed a traffic violation by running a red light during this and coloring officers ended up becoming involved in a confrontation with mr. Nye that was captured on her in-car video system it’s important that we look at these things in the aspect of appropriate and necessary force that is used in this case I think it’s important that we look at this video and dissect it a little bit for you as we go through it and during this video I will provide some narration as two different thoughts that the officers might be thinking the response to officers instructions by mr. Nye and some background information as well so the squad car this is the front camera view from our officer who was trying to effect this traffic stop as you can see officers have made observation of this vehicle as it travels down the street they’ll continue to follow the vehicle for a short distance as the vehicle approaches this apartment building up on the right-hand side Fargo officers initiate a traffic stop by turning on their red lights their squad car vehicle will then turn into this parking lot after this time is calling out the stop to our central dispatch center following the vehicle making observations of the vehicle most people as when you activate your red lights they will immediately form the centroid as required by law I think it’s important in this time to take just a minute to give you a little bit of insight into what the officer could be thinking because this vehicle isn’t stopping there’s a number of things that could happen here the vehicle could continue on and attempt to flee driver could be intoxicated the driver could be looking for a place to stop the car to jump out and flee on foot or they could be up to other other things that are just buying some time where we start the video it’s clear at this point that it would be very difficult for that individual operating that be able not to recognize that there is a fully marked police car behind them the touching of the brakes would indicate to me that they had seen the car behind the officer will continue to follow the vehicle intermittently turning the siren on as you can hear [Music] this case you’ll see another car approaching that’s actually another Fargo Police Department car and it’s putting a light on the front of the car in an effort to get the vehicle to stop driver continues past that car so it’s very clear to the officers that are involved in this that the people that are attempting to stop them are Fargo police officers [Music] Oscar continues to attempt to get the vehicle to stop vehicle continues to travel on vehicle starts to back up so it can indicate a number different things many times individuals that act like that are intoxicated or under the influence of some kind of drug and they don’t understand what they’re doing officers going to engage this person at this time he understands the police officers what the request is they continue to make commands during this encounter they they tell him no less than 20 times to exit the vehicle although he will mention weapons can off the light no officers sense of alert whether or not through his reason whether or not they’re being honest very clear that individual operating this vehicle being mr. Nye is being conversational at this point continues to drive the vehicle which prompts even more concern for the officers which causes the windows were broken and him removed from the car [Music] continue instructive do you do the corporate thing by putting a vehicle in park and get out of the car eventually is removed in the car this individual has been handcuffed during this encounter officers did receive injuries to their hands from breaking the glass of the window and subsequently removing him from the vehicle video continues on for a short period of time we’ll continue to watch that until we get to the point where mr. nihilism was attempted to being put in the back of our our police car to where officers are attempting to have mr. and I have a seat in the back of our squad cars we continue our investigation you’re detained you’re in our custody right now if you can’t afford my father [Music] mr. nice non-compliant educated extremely attempting to get him into car and off this time you can see mr. Nye lunges forward which resulted in the officers also falling backwards onto the ground it was this time mr. Nye has reload to zone actions ended up hitting his face on a traffic light Neriah causing the damage to his nose and face as you can hear the officers talk about hitting his head on unlike post and they’re calling for an ambulance to care for him in the officers there present as well [Applause] we’ll stop the video it’s important to understand as that times we do deal with individuals in our community that don’t understand how a traffic stop should go what’s required of them when they are stopped by the police in this particular case mr. danaiah has been stopped by the Fargo Police Department up to seven times for traffic violations in the city of Fargo from 27 to 2018 so it’s very clear to me that he understands the process for traffic stop and in the issuance of traffic citation so due to the seriousness of the allegations that were in the local media article earlier involving this incident we thought that was very important to be very transparent like we always are with our community about what happened why it happened and assure you guys from the squad car footage for yourselves to be able to see what happened and maybe understand a little bit as to why the officers did what they did just to wrap this up a little bit we’d like to just visit a little bit about everyday interactions officers have with the community officers routinely encounter individuals on traffic stops not every traffic stop obviously results in an incident similar to this we really believe in providing some instruction to the community and what is normal what is not normal in this particular case this is not a normal traffic stop obviously mr. Nye has a different recollection as to what actually occurred and sometimes I can happen we felt it was necessary for us to provide an accurate representation of this and as always if you have concerns about Fargo police officers and your interaction with them we invite those comments by calling her army number at two three five four four nine three


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