Police Confirm Arrest of DWI Suspect in Scary Incident at Bemidji’s “Night We Light” Parade

BEMIDJI, MN (trfnews.i234.me) A scary incident during Bemidji’s “Night We Light” parade through downtown Friday night. A possibly impaired driver wound up on the sidewalk.
* Following this Saturday story, Bemidji Police confirmed on Sunday evening the suspect was arrested on a DWI charge. We’ll identify the suspect once formal charges are filed on Monday.
uh Neil Berg here on the phone with me is uh Adriana king bird had a little bit of a scary incident at the nightly light parade in downtown Bemidji uh last night can you tell folks what happened um so my mom and I took my two babies to the parade downtown and I had my two-year-old in the wagon wig and we’re kind of walking on the street because there was a like a guard rail or something blocking the street for the parade they had it barricaded off yeah and we noticed halfway down the block um because we were walking on the street that there was this car behind us and it was driving like pretty slow but they kept like breaking really hard and they got kind of close to us and we just kept looking back at them and then once we got um across by the blockade there on the corner of Fifth and Beltrami the car sped up and it hit the guardrail and a bunch of people had to move out of the way and run out of the way and then the guy backed up and he went forward again but this time he went onto the sidewalk so he he had this whole car on the sidewalk and then he tried to back up really fast to take off and he ran into two-part cars that were on the side of the road there and people were yelling and like just it was really shocking because I I couldn’t believe it was happening and it was so close and I think everyone was just concerned about their kids and because there were a lot of kids there um but luckily some a few died a few people um pulled them out of the car and got him to turn the car off so he couldn’t drive anymore and this guy was just staggering around like he was drunk he could barely stand up and the guys that pulled him out had to hold him up because he couldn’t stand on his own and were police there did it look like he’d been arrested yeah the police came I called I think a few people called 911 one myself included and told them what happened and the police came and kind of talked everyone around to see you know what happened and they arrested the guy all right okay well glad everyone’s okay yeah it was it was pretty scary okay thanks for talking to me yeah no problem now at this point no official word on whether that driver was actually impaired or a possible medical issue we’ll have more details if and when any criminal charges are filed likely on Monday I’m Neil Berg reporting for itrfnews.i234.me

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