1. Pitbulls are said to be responsible for 62% of the 326 total recorded dog bite related deaths in America, accounting for 203 deaths in America over a span of 10 years. That is an unacceptable amount of violence that is attributed to a single group among the dog population.

    On a totally unrelated note, 76% of all homicides in MN during the year of 2021 are attributed to a single small group that represents only 7% of MN's population. Accounting for 209 deaths in one year in Minnesota alone. Let's not worry about that though. That's not an issue worth talking about at all. Lets all be upset about the dogs.

  2. I have had many pit bulls that would take care of anyone coming at my kids or would protect us. Owners just don’t know how to train a dog. It’s not the dogs. It’s the owners. Punish them. Don’t kill the dog.

  3. Carry mase with 20 foot jet spray (always spray with the wind at your back so it doesn't come back at you) and a taser ($30-50 on Amazon) is a great easy to handle self-defense tool when dealing with potentially dangerous neighborhood dogs; especially pitbulls, mastiffs, cane corso's, or any dangerous dog. I pray this victim has a full recovery 😢

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