Perham Man Faces Felony Charges After 4-Wheeler Crash Injures Woman

PERHAM, MN ( – Charges have been filed against 22-year-old Tanner James Guck of Perham, Minnesota, following a 4-wheeler crash on April 28th that left a woman injured.

The incident occurred on Fort Thunder Road, south of Perham, at approximately 2:21 a.m. First responders found an ATV overturned in a ditch, with an injured female lying on the ground and Guck sitting beside her. Guck’s preliminary breath test indicated a blood alcohol level of 0.16, twice the legal limit.

The female victim reported they were traveling at 30 mph when they hit a bump, causing her to be thrown 15 feet from the crash site. She suffered a broken clavicle, liver laceration, and concussion.

Guck is now facing two counts of felony criminal vehicular operation for causing great bodily harm and substantial bodily harm while under the influence of alcohol. Both charges stem from the injuries sustained by the female victim in the crash.

I’m Neil Berg reporting for

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