Park River, ND Man Cleared of Rape Charges in Exclusive Interview

WALSH COUNTY, ND ( A Walsh County jury found Alexander Edwards of Park River, North Dakota “Not Guilty” of forcible rape. Edwards tells TRF News what happened.
uh neil carlson here on the phone with me is alexander edwards uh last december he was charged with the gross sexual imposition uh class double a felony forcible rape facing life in prison uh this past week when tuesday through friday four day trial up in walsh county in grafton a jury found you not guilty so you’ve been acquitted of any wrongdoing here so have you been in jail since these charges were filed uh yes i’ve been in jail this entire time with a rough time or um yeah it was a pretty rough day okay what was your uh reaction when the jury came back with the verdict of not guilty it was a blessing [Music] okay what what happened here explain to folks what happened you’re just as it basically the woman made a false accusation um i mean i couldn’t even explain to you what happened because i mean i just it was new year’s day and i was out with my dad trying to celebrate and i was just arrested by four police officers from the walsh county police department and you know i’m being told that i’m being arrested for gsi and i didn’t even know what gsi was until i was being arrested that day and then they told me it was for rape and i i never even i had no idea like i was in shock myself all right i mean did you know this woman you were you guys partying hard i mean we had met up the day before and partied or whatever but i was in shock that she accused me of this of this rape charge all right i mean you’re saying this was a consensual thing oh absolutely all right why do you think she would do that i have no idea i’m still puzzled by why she did it okay did did you know her very well i only knew her from high school and i didn’t know her i only knew her from [Music] like 2000 you know 2014 or 15 i think and we used to ride the bus together for this test all right um has the state’s attorney told you whether or not she could be facing any charges now uh i have not discussed anything with nobody about any charges with nobody else um were you working before this i expect you lost your job if you were but um i was but i have gotten in contact with my job and they did offer me my job back because of them acquitting me of my charges great okay so you’re going back to work absolutely okay anything else you’d like to say or just kind of bewildered how all this happened to you i’m just glad to be out it’s a blessing to see my family again um they were really upset about the whole thing and uh you know let this be a lesson learned that it’s not always what it’s expected to be you know okay all right well um we told you we’ve reached out to the state’s attorney in walsh county to see if she would comment at all on whether the accuser here could face any charges who will have that story if we could get it so well good luck glad it turned out for you okay thank you okay all right take care all right have a good one


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