Organizer Announces Tribal Council’s Decision to Halt Rally at Shooting Star Casino

MAHNONMEN, MN ( The organizer of a Friday rally at the Shooting Star Casino says the Tribal Council ordered it shutdown.
so it’s a tribal council decision to remove band members for Minnesota Chippewa tribe property 15 minutes what are you gonna charge me with this state statute what tribal civil regulatory code are you gonna try to try to arrest us on Justin Kaiser says this ended with his small rally being removed from the parking lot of the shooting Star Casino and Mahnomen like this Friday afternoon I talked with Kizer earlier who said he’s trying to start a movement to get the Tribal Council to start addressing the real problems of white earth tribal members we want to have a rally people say in its protest it’s not a protest we’re having a rally to to rally our people in and get a lot of issues out there that that a lot of people ain’t paying attention to like we had we just recently had an election and there was a woman that that went in to vote and she had found out that somebody else had come in already and used her name and used her birthdate and you know she didn’t have she was robbed of her voice you know and then there’s other things that are going on you know I mean there’s this business with them opening the casino and they never went got you know had any kind of meetings on it with the people that say do you feel safe with this during the middle of a pandemic and they and they open our casinos and it’s like are they inviting that that sickness into our it’s dangerous for people around you know and we feel that that the business decisions that they have made have been bad since since 1995 you see in 19 1995 our tribal exec to have our corporate charter revoked and in and our corporate charter said that that if they had to have a hold of the people to be able to surrender that corporate charter and they put in and they had it removed at a congressional level and they removed a lot of restrictions on the things that they were able to do as a business entity and advise and the things that they’re doing it’s in violation of our Constitution the fact that Fondulac which is a member of that Minnesota Chippewa tribe has agreements with Hambridge to allow oil pipeline to go through we’ve been fighting that oil pipeline in Minnesota for quite a few years ever since it was like the Sandpiper and stuff you know them them cutting deals with the state I mean for for policing you know um where their state license cops better their post certified through the through the state you know and and they’re not tribal officers you know that they’re not really imposing tribal civil regulatory on the people we don’t really have the laws we don’t have seatbelt laws and headlight laws or anything like that so they’re using state statute in there and they’re posing that on tribal sovereign citizens I’d like to revisit that where they where they revoked our corporate charter recently there was a court case in South Dakota it’s called Hudson versus Zinke where Mr Hudson went in and he challenged the fact that they had been changing their constitution illegally they haven’t met they didn’t have though the second they call it a secretarial election vote and that’s a referendum of the people to be able to make these amendments to the Constitution well my argument is that we could use that same Administrative Procedures Act and have that overturned where they revoked our corporate charter and and then they’d have to start reviewing some of that business then business things in and make it a little more fair and equitable to the membership because right now I mean we were facing home I mean there’s a homeless is bad here I mean the ICW problems if their agreements with the state you know their policing problems I mean and we still have a drug epidemic that’s going on thrown on top of that is a you know the the bad elections in and Nicole Pitt I mean it is reached a point where the people want to have a voice in a safe and they want they’re demanding a meeting with the tribal councils have they said they think they have they in November I brought it up it’s it’s in their meetings there they have a long video of their meetings that I brought this up this issue with the corporate charter and and they keep ducking and dodging the issues you know and they were supposed to put me on the agenda for it and they they just keep rushing us off you know to play the devil’s advocate here a little argument why not the next election vote in some different people because it doesn’t matter whoever gets in there the system is broken you know it doesn’t matter who gets in there they’re gonna play along with that Sanibel twelve people that run that tribal Executive Committee you know it’s the chairman and secretary treasurer of huge band and it’s like well they’re the ones that really have a stranglehold on our government whenever [Music] yes yes very very much so okay thanks for talking right on thank you teaser says while they were kicked off casino property late this Friday afternoon he says this movement is growing and you’ll be hearing more from him and his movement I’m Neil Berg reporting for I news TV


  1. Reservations have there own rules and laws that are exempt from federal and state laws, surprised people don’t know what tribal land/reservation are. Smh people are just ignorant and it seems to keep growing

  2. I stand with the PEOPLE of this rally. The voting issues have been long standing. We need those addressed. The issues of destruction on our family systems needs priority. As an elder I would like to be heard. Our Nation is all we have.

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