Oil Continues to Flow, But Protest Eyesore Persists

THIEF RIVER FALLS, MN (trfnews.i234.me) The new, Enbridge, Line 3 oil pipeline is operating. But, the Red Lake Treaty Camp, an oil pipeline protest camp near Thief River Falls, Minnesota remains and many people are calling it an eyesore.
Neil Berg here south of thief river falls minnesota where the line three enbridge pipeline is now operating construction is completed however the protest camp the red lake treaty camp still remains along the highway here and uh many folks around this area are calling it an eyesore yes we’ve had a number of people you know that have talked to either out myself the deputies and and that about when that’s going to all get cleaned up down there is anybody out there yet it’s from day to day there might be a car or so but that’s about it um is there still a problem i mean is there equipment there they can mess with with the pipeline or it’s all the pipelines all done the grass has been seeded it it looks back to normal you know and people are going well the pipeline why is it still there why so it’s it’s state of minnesota land it’s actually d.o.t property um they gave them permission why they gave them permission to stay there and continue to give them permission to stay there when somebody can’t go out and leave their stand on deer you know deer hunting i i don’t understand it at all it’s not fair okay have they said anything to you what their plans are no i haven’t heard anything all right do you guys have to spend any time messing with us yet or well we’ve had to go out there different times you know they just took the other fence down michaels did and we had to go make sure that there wasn’t any confrontations um so any we’ve been out there on on calls you know different calls so in general what kind of things well one was a medical and i think they they presume that they own the property now so they wouldn’t even let my deputy on the property they were stopping them at the gate even on a medical call and it’s state land in a state lab it’s everybody’s property and sheriff kuznia stresses that since it is state land they have no legal authority to put a trespass order here and kick everyone out and clean up the mess i’m the neal carlson reporting for eye news dot tv


  1. Everywhere they go they leave a mess. Their encampment south of Naytahwaush, at the intersection of County Road #4 and State Hwy 113 was the same. Garbage, old vehicles with engine oil and transmission fluid coming off of them, no sanitation, old campers left behind. But hey, they are protecting our water! No one else can abuse public property like that.

  2. These are the same idiots who want green energy and save the earth! Just a bunch of slobs which they are, can’t clean up after themselves. The worst one was up in North Dakota where they left tons of trash for the state to clean up. Lefty pigs who leave the earth dirty! It’s not the oil companies leaving trash behind.

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