Oh No! Tracked Item Stolen

MOORHEAD, MN (trfnews.i234.me) A Moorhead, Minnesota man is facing criminal charges, after allegedly stealing an item in Fargo that had an Apple Air Tag on it. Police recovered the stolen item and arrested Seth Rydell at his Moorhead home.
a 33 year old Seth Andrew Rydell of Moorhead is facing criminal charges after allegedly stealing an item that was being tracked according to court documents an officer responded to a report of stolen property last Friday a dehumidifier had been stolen from a work site in Fargo however it had an Apple Air tag on it its location had been tracked to Seth rydel’s residence here at 4452 18th Street South in Moorhead police were granted a search warrant found the stolen dehumidifier and Seth Rydell with allegedly meth in his pocket he’s been charged with felonies of receiving stolen property in possession of meth I’m Neil Berg reporting for itrfnews.i234.me


  1. The victim here got lucky. Those tags only work if there is an iphone near them with bluetooth in range. I wish there were something just as cheap that would work anywhere, anytime because there's a lot of meth heads stealing stuff in rural areas.

  2. Well, if you all think you drug/addiction of choice is any better then meth then you all are sadly mistaken. Alcohol has caused more trouble than anything else in America so you all need to get a REALITY CHECK. People don’t start out doing meth or cocaine, they start out with Alcohol and move on to the next and then the next and then the next so you all sitting here on your high and mighty horses believing you are better well you older generation has caused all this because you love your alcohol and stand behind it because you are drunks and refuse to repent so your kids and grandchildren are dying and you still refuse to repent.

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