NEWS CONFERENCE: Officials Reveal Background Of Fargo Shooter, Mohamad Barakat.. Street Fair Next?
FARGO, ND ( Officials held a news conference on this Friday revealing more information of the background of the Fargo shooter, Mohamad Barakat. He was from Syria and came to the United States in 2012 gaining U.S. citizenship in 2019. Officials say he was a loner motivated by a desire to kill. Officials say he did numerous internet searches on mass killings and his last search the night before the shootings was about the thousands of people to be attending the Fargo Street Fair.
BRING MORE MUSLIMS TO USA. thanks to our politicians🤑🤑
That dude was ready for war
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” This country’s greatness and true genius lies in its diversity.
Muslims, bro, muslims
God bless those that protect and serve
Thats it, say and print his name…. that's exactly what he'd want. Stupid.
This is not white supremacy that those worthless Democrats are always saying is the problem, these are the people the Democrats brought in or didn't stop from coming in illegally to the US.
The USA has enough violence with home grown shooters so why do we allow immigrants to own weapons?
Money is what controls the world people, if you cannot see it then you will never understand what’s happening. Those who run that system also dictate how society is run by controlling everything people are subjected to. They want NOTHING NATURAL, think about the weather, water, A.I. medicine, everything is structured for them. Then they flood us with “immigrants”, brainwash, make delusional people look like the norm, put the lowest of society on pedestal’s (THUGS made to be idols), etc. knowing that they are putting the ants in a jar to shake up. We will all eventually die out if we do not resist. This is Genocide of white, Christians. We have been feeling the rattling, THE BIG SHAKY IS coming.
“THEY” (THE DEVIL) Has taken over and proof is EVERYWHERE. The more you dig the more evils you see at work in this world. Do NOT be a FOOL.
BUT REMEMBER THEY ARE FEW, as we will soon be but if WE seek out and start spreading this news. Just find 7 people and when they know, they can tell 7, and soon enough, we at least have the knowledge. United they will fall.
Muhamad is from north dakota
Some people will never conform to a society and their misguided religious beliefs will push them to destruction. It’s obvious this is a terrorist style attack, because these were targets of opportunity. Officials want the information from the public on these individuals or groups but then fail to be honest that these individuals are evil actors. Gun laws will not stop these mentally ill low life’s. Prayers for the fallen and prayers to those that keep us safe!
Simular to the Michigan state shooter . No motive, was on radar. Go figure
Known to FBI so they chose not to move not surprised . You know who else was known to the fbi the Boston bomber . How many more of these attacks are we gonna have because “THEY” are here
When u go and destroy a country(Syria), u should expect some peoples to act as revenge for their country. Barakat is maybe one of those.
And they still just want to let millions of unknowns enter out country on Asylum requests…
I really don't want to be in the shoes of the government personnel responsible for that decision.
This guy is going to be one of the worst speakers in the world. He sounds like Joe Biden, making my ears bleed sky needs to go back to speech class and back to learning how to read basic skills not surprised is the best you have Cost look at our president fucking joke I couldn’t listen to this guy for five seconds.
With some groups… They have paid people to carry out attacks to further their political agendas.
I would be very curious to know this bad guys associations in the past and if he conducted this act for a political agenda regarding the 2nd amendment.
Nobody in their right mind would do an act like this. He had to have a big agenda in play.
Prayers for the families… I hope this guys past associates are researched.
Syrian what a surprise smh. Why do we let scum bags like this coming from a war zone like Syria into our country? After this horrible administration and Brandons border policies…God help us…
The FBI is a total joke. They had this guy on their radar and let him fall through their fingers. The FBI will give a total BS answer, and they don't share any information because they are embarrassed from dropping the ball. Thank God for Officer Robinson fast action returning fire luckily striking and immobilizing Mohamad Barakats automatic weapon and later executing him.
Attorney General telling tells.3:1 and this lair says they were outgunned.😂. Naw, he was just better. Not one tear. Blue line is a gang and 🗑️.
So very sorry that all this violence has made its way too The great city of Fargo N.D. BY JULY 22 2023 there was over 400 mass shootings across America. This is not sustainable, not in this Great Country this is not who we are this must end. Many days now somewhere in our Great Country are going to be punctuated by senseless mass violence against innocent victims. STOP THE VIOLENCE
TERRORISTS HAVE BEEN LET IN BY BIDEN! THEY ARE ALL OVER OUR NATION NOW! This poor police officer was killed because of Biden!
My deepest respects to all that fell victim to this event. They are covering up the fact that he may have been a foreign Nationalist. There are thousands of them waiting for the call / que / signal to strike this country. This will trigger them to strike hard and fast and without mercy on anyone in their path. Their just sitting back waiting for the day. Now they will disarm the law abiding American people because a foreign Nationalist used "these" guns, triggers and whatever else they can strip them of. It's easy to see the push they are about to force on people to have them at the mercy of people that what nothing more than to destroy this Country. This is only one of many and if people don't believe it they will soon. We have had over 5 million people enter this country illegally with no background check of any kind. As sad as it is this is what this Country has become. Let foreign Nationalist enter free and set them up to destroy us as we the tax paying people foot the bill.
More Islamic douchbaggery..
Crazy to think how much lives a little fender bender possibly saved
How would disarming law-abiding American citizens prevent these tragedies ? People with evil intent will find the means to carry out such evil acts. Firearms, propane tanks such as those on your barbecue grill, cans of gasoline like for your lawn mower, and numerous other explosive devices that can be had . Law enforcement and the public must work together, law enforcement can't stop this without the assistance of the public. We are all in this together so please stop trying to disarm the law-abiding citizens.
Cops love the 2nd amendment so much, well they get what they love.
False Flag? This AG is adamant about your binary trigger. ATF has already taken your pistol brace. The Democrats are intentionally gutting America. Politics, medical system, the border, the Dollar and any monument of a White person. They know your pissed. However, they intend to do much worse damage to your way of life. They need your guns now! They either paid or manipulated this psycho so they could use his actions to take away another piece of your 2nd amendment. Mad respect for the police, but the AG made it political when he claimed binary triggers were purposeless.
Puts a different light on why police react negatively too people approaching a 'incident', in this case a 'simple fender bender' who are not involved in the event.
Instead of using a camera too film 'a police interaction' this numbnutt has a whole bunch of guns/rifles.
Not so ridiculous is it when they evoke ' officer safety'…..
First, I need 2 make a couple spoken corrections 2 other comments I wrote for another vid. They(none of da prior vids I saw) hadn't indicated barakat was jus driving around & pulled over 2 watch fender bender play out nor da fact he moved from several places 2 park & watch. So, in my dumbness, I had thought, in all 3 vids I'd seen, that he was a part of da accident…not dat it was a true ambush. I'm still a lil mixed up on all da cars parked in da same row as him…but das not a major concern as of yet.
My main reason 2 click on dis vid is stated here…
27:30 I KNEW IT!!
I've jus now today watched a few vids of this killing. AND I found it odd for da arsenal of destruction(weapons, gas,etc) in his car. I said in my comments how I bet he had another target, it jus seemed weird 2 keep all dat stuff w/u driving around town. I feel it'd makes it more likely someone 'accidentally' see inside ur car & wonder why u got all dis stuff.
Why don't you mention that this is a terrorist attack
The officer hesitated in shooting because the Muhammad was white if he would have been black or Latin that officer would have blasted no questions asked
Remember this is what the government wants, more of this will happen and they will swoop in with new laws and more power to create hell for all of us, just wait….
The FBI just keeps looking for those BIDEN nightmare folk. Yup. Those White Men Supremist …them Straight Catholics that believe in that rebel Jesus Christ.
GOD help us overcome the tyranny of despots like treasonous Joey Bite-one.
This is the most professional explanation of a situation like this I have ever heard.
This is what happens when you take in the Worlds trash and try to help them! God Bless the fallen officer and his family and a well down to the officer who stayed in the fight and sent this pos straight to Hell!
I hope Mohamed's 73 virgins are imcel men who take out their frustrations on his bumhole.
RIP to the 2 officers who fell.
Thank you for putting down this "religion of peace" scumbag
Barakat was a Middle eastern terrorist! When Obama allwed the hundres of thousands of Syrians into America! The question who vetted them? To allow them to mingle among Americans is a tragedy about to happen! Most of these Syrains do not work and are suported by the Federal government!
This News Conference is longer than Star Wars ! 🤯 R.I.P. fallen officer ❤🙏🏻
why is this not being talked about as terrorism
Where does an asylum seeker get the money to buy this kind of ammo and weapons?
Why do these officials only identify the gun used by this terrorist as “223” and not Assault Rifle or AR-15? 223 is a caliber not a gun? NRA me thinks.
So he was on a watch list…🤔 for what?.
I look forward to the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and other members of the media branch of the Demoncrap Party doing an in-depth analysis of the failure of the DOJ, FBI, CIA, State Department, NSA, and other thugs in our intelligence agencies to respond to and protect us from the murderous intent evident in the on-line activity of this follower of "the Religion of Peace." The fact that this Syrian immigrant was allowed into our country and granted U.S. citizenship makes one question the integrity of our immigration process.
Who is minding the store? Oh, that's right, it is Bribery Biden and his Chicom puppet masters. That explains a lot.