Officer and Family Allegedly Threatened in Fargo

FARGO, ND ( A Fargo man is facing criminal charges, after allegedly threatening a Fargo Police Officer and his family.
Randall Gene feather of Fargo has been charged with felony terrorizing for allegedly threatening a Fargo police officer and misdemeanor Criminal Trespass according to court documents at February 26 police responded to the downtown library where staff reported a feather was present after being trespassed from the property a court order borrowing him from entering the property feather then squared off against an officer and said something to the effect of let’s go he was put into handcuffs and a breathalyzer test showed him at .295 more than three times the legal limit to drive on the way to the hospital to be cleared for jail and on the way to jail feather made numerous comments to the officer including quote now you’re on my radar you little I know where you live when I get out I’m gonna look for you I might blow your house up now I know your address I’m going to look it up I’ll look up the U2 I’ll look up your whole family your whole family is gonna get it I’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. I could never be a cop,,, threaten my like that I do not know I could be nonviolent and professional? (sure he was in the back of a car, cuffed),, but hearing that is scary, and threaten family,,, I hope this many sees the video of his mouth,, ,,and apologizes after he sobers up,,and quits drinking

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