North Dakota to Implement Age Limit Testing for Candidates

BISMARCK, ND ( North Dakota voters will test laws regarding candidate’s age limit.
in North Dakota and North Dakota voters will decide this June whether to prevent people from running for congress if they’re old enough to turn 81 during their house or Senate term a signature drive has succeeded in adding the question to the ballot Secretary of State Michael how’s office announced Friday and while some legal Scholars say the state age limit for congressional seats would be unconstitutional it could lead to a challenge of a supreme court president that has held uh for decades the ballot initiative wouldn’t prevent any current incumbents from running again the oldest member of North Dakota’s three-person Congressional Delegation is Republican senator John hovind at’ 67 North Dakota has had OCT generian senators in the past including Democrat Quinton berdick who died in office in 1992 at age 84 while the initiative applies only to congressional seats this election year will also feature President Joe Biden 81 and former president Donald Trump at 77 competing an election rematch that is drawn scrutiny for ages and Fitness how’s office said that of the 42,000 signatures uh me signatures measure backers submitted in February they had about 1,200 more valid signatures than the 31,1 164 needed to to place the measure on the ballot the ballot measure could be an attempt to draw a test case to see if the US Supreme Court would be willing to allow individual states to set Congressional age limits University of North Dakota political science Professor Mark Jenik has said the Court ruled in a 1995 five term limits case that states cannot set qualifications for congress Beyond those listed in the US Constitution which says candidates must be at least 25 to serve in the house 30 in the Senate and 35 to become president but sets no maximum age limits


  1. fact check ND political ads fake news Trump is 45 out 45. Compromised by numerous foreign dictators. NO DICTATORSHIP FOR ND. Tell me how does a dictatorship removes all freedoms through opposition, brainwashing & militia force? How is global enslavement & genocide a good thing?????

  2. If your at the age of when you can retire from the workforce and collect your pension. Thats the age of time when you should not be allowed to be the President of the United States. I don't know when that time of age is in the states. In Canada it is 64 for some people and i think it goes to 67. After that go golfing or find a hobby.

  3. The candidates age is not a factor the only thing that matters is their cognitive ability, there are plenty of 30-year-olds that are about as cognitively aware as a toddler and 90 year olds that would run mental circles around our Congress

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