North Dakota Teenager Victimized in Horrific Fire Incident

ST. MICHAEL, ND ( A Saint Michael, Norther Dakota teenager was soaked with gas and set on fire.
Neil Berg here with Tiffany Eagle with a kind of evil story out of st. Michael North Dakota which is right by Devils Lake what happened my two sons Winfield and Collin went up 15 and Colin’s 12 along with two others friends were riding bike on a bike path in between two new separate housing they went and got their friend and Winfield had stopped and was bending over doing something on his bike and his brothers back was turned and then he happened to turn around and he seen at all at all hid he said I was dressed all in black that started to pour something on his brother and he said hey boy what are you doing and then he just let his brother on fire oh no so I saw the photo you have how’s he doing um they do our daily Justin changes on him in the morning and it’s it’s it’s his uh they did a full accurate measurement and it’s 30 percent of his body second and third-degree burns will know the full depth and thickness on a Monday animal will see how how many grafts he needs and his name is what and how old is he Winfield WI n SI e LG chaski the third and he is 15 he’ll be 16 August any idea why somebody would do that I don’t D the individual that has been Dom rumored I don’t think is them able a stable person because when he did it he did not say anything didn’t some was an angry wasn’t them hollering anything nothing he just boarded on him lit him on fire and man okay and the FBI is now investigating this yes from um from the time from the time the ambulance got into the garage with my son in it from the FBI r on their way from Grand Forks to federal agents interviewed my younger son and the two friends that helped save his life no all right my best wishes for your son there and take care we’ll stay in contact with you to update this story if that’s ok ok thank you so much thanks for talking to me

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