North Dakota Senators Oppose $35 Insulin Price Cap

WASHINGTON D.C. ( When the U.S. Senate passed sweeping legislation on Sunday, regarding climate change and a provision to cap insulin costs at $35 for diabetics, North Dakota Republican Senators Kevin Cramer and John Hoeven voted no.
the yeas are 50 the nays are 50. the senate being equally divided the vice president votes in the affirmative and the bill as amended is passed on sunday when the u.s senate passed sweeping legislation on climate change higher taxes for the very wealthy and the right for the government to negotiate prices on some drugs north dakota’s republican senators kevin cramer and john hoeven voted no on the opportunity to cap insulin costs for diabetics at 35 dollars the american diabetes association says 54 000 north dakotans suffer from diabetes the current legislation now awaiting approval in the house still includes a thirty five dollar cap for insulin costs for those on medicare but everyone else is left out in blanket statements both senators cramer and hoeven said they were against the overall bill because it raised spending and taxes however the congressional budget office says the cost of the bill is paid for and more by the increase in taxes on the very wealthy we’ve reached out to senators kramer and hoeven for comment on why they voted no on legislation to cap insulin costs at 35 dollars for everyone we’ll have that for you if and when we get it i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. As a type 1 diabetic, I would support it if I knew it meant insulin that’s higher quality and works! I’ve had too many times where my insulin did nothing to help and I became an acetone factory! I care about making insulin affordable but I care about it working more!

  2. What a skewed BS report. Carlson’s bias is as bad as any legacy media commentator, when he gets into politics. He needs to stick to local news, and do actual reporting, not this editorial BS, he pretends is news.

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